RACHEL'S TOMB (matstsebheth qebhurath rachel): In Genesis 35:20 we read: "Jacob set up a pillar upon her grave: the same is the Pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day," i.e. Shmuel Berkowitz, The Wars of the Holy Places (Jerusalem Institute for Israeli Studies and Hed Artzi, 2000), p. 301. The tomb, a small building with a white dome, is now hidden behind a long bunker-like structure with guard towers and barbed wire. It is not the official website of any sacred site or religious building listed here. 27. To move around, click and drag the map with your mouse. It is a tragedy that that is no longer the case. In contravention of the armistice agreement, Jordan prevented Jews from accessing the site during all the years of its rule (1948-1967). Rachel’s Tomb – A Jewish Holy Site. From the Byzantine period until the 1800’s, Rachel’s Tomb consisted of a small domed structure. This is our order to you: (the following matter) was submitted to us by the subject of our order, the sage representative of honored Jerusalem’s Jewry and his translator that the tomb of esteemed Rachel, the mother of our Lord Joseph…they (the Jews) are accustomed to visit it from ancient days; and no one is permitted to prevent them or oppose them (from doing) this….It turned out that at this holy site, they have been visiting since ancient times, without any person preventing them or trespassing on their property and they (have it) as was their custom. 26. Many times they sit for hours upon hours without disturbance….I think that one has to correct this distortion and must not allow them to do as they want. This makes it increasingly difficult for Palestinians to access the site, and has a very damaging impact on … Shor, p. 413, cites the words of the English traveler Richard Pocock and writes: “in speaking about Rachel’s Tomb he says, the Turks closed the spaces between the arches in order to make access to it more difficult for the Jews.”. “The house with the dome and the olive tree” became a Jewish symbol.5 An additional room that was attached to the original structure by Sir Moses Montefiore in 1841 has only enhanced the link. Some might object that the Gospel writer Matthew seems to locate Rachel’s tomb near Bethlehem of Judah when he quotes this verse from Jeremiah (Matt 2:16-18). The accepted Muslim tradition which venerates Rachel identifies the site at the outskirts of Bethlehem as her grave. Genachowski also saw the accompanying letter of Montefiore’s secretary, Eliezer Halevi, beseeching Jerusalem’s rabbis in Montefiore’s name not to commemorate his name because of the site’s refurbishing and the construction of the additional room. Rachel's Tomb. THE TOMB STRUCTURE There are two chambers the first as you enter is an antechamber … In 1827 the Turks issued the firman that gave legal force to the Jewish presumption of ownership at the site. Rachel was the wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin, and the burial site is holy to … Using the buttons on the left (or the wheel on your mouse), you can zoom in for a closer look, or zoom out to get your bearings. For a summary of these and other sources, see Nadav Shragai, At the Crossroads, The Story of the Tomb of Rachel, Part I, 1700 Years of Testimony (Jerusalem Studies, 2005) (Hebrew). In February 1996, the Israel Defense Forces feared that Rachel’s Tomb would furnish a convenient target for an attack of this sort, as it was situated on the main highway connecting Jerusalem and Hebron, with heavy Jewish and Arab traffic. 33. Photocopies from its pages are in the author’s possession, as well as in the explanations by Yitzhak Ben Zvi, the second president of the State of Israel, that are included in a letter dated November 22, 1961, after information was received that the Jordanians were desecrating Rachel’s Tomb, State Archives Het Tzadi 2963/2. Recently, the site has been surrounded by a barrier to separate it from Bethlehem. Rachel’s Tomb, Kever Rakhel, Dome of Rachel and Qubabt Rakhil all refer to the final resting place of the Jacob’s wife Rachel the daughter-in-law of Abraham. Rachel’s Tomb is located on the “Route of the Patriarchs” which runs from Jerusalem to Bethlehem and then on to Hebron and Be’er Sheva. The Tomb is visited especially by barren or pregnant woman. Signed: The Sublime Porte. Consult a local tour guide or tourist office for the latest information. S. Avitzur, Daily Life in the Land of Israel in the 19th Century (Am Ha’Sefer, 1972) (Hebrew), p. 108. The sharp protests by Israeli Ambassador to UNESCO Nimrod Barkan to the UN body’s decision were expunged from the record by the chairman of the session, the Russian representative, on the pretext that they were too aggressive.1. 60-70. 4. Additionally, the governor of Damascus sent a written order to the Mufti of Jerusalem to fulfill the Sultan’s order. 31. They were received after an agreement in principle obtained in 1827 by Avraham Behar Avraham to award a firman. From newspaper chronicles and reports on Israeli websites based on the IDF Spokesperson’s Office. Yet Erdogan’s statement contradicts firmans (deeds of rights) issued by the Ottoman authorities in Turkey recognizing Jewish rights at Rachel’s Tomb. a. In 1841, Sir Moses Montifeori renovated it and added on an anteroom and enclosed the dome over the grave marker. Data from the Authority for the Holy Places. She is considered the mother par excellence of the Jewish people and her tomb is one of the most frequented sites for Jewish … As opposed to the Temple Mount and the Cave of the Patriarchs which also serve as the location of mosques, Rachel’s Tomb never served as a mosque for the Muslims. Today, the site is very close to the checkpoint from the Palestinian territories into Israel. P. Eddrupp noted: “As Rachel is the first related instance of death in childbearing, so this pillar over her grave is the first recorded example of the setting-up of a sepulchral monument” (A Dictionary of the Bible, ed. Located just outside of Bethlehem, along the road of the forefathers that connects Nablus and Hebron, Rachel’s tomb is where Jews and Muslims believe the foremother Rachel was buried. We remember in the 1990s that Rachel's Tomb was a place treasured by all three Abrahamic faiths. A copy of this letter is preserved with Genachowski. And sometimes they complain to us that we have fallen behind on their routine payments and they come scrabbling on the gravestones in the dead of night, and they did their things in stealth because their home is there. A firman was an official order by the governor in the oriental countries. Further information can be found in Dr. Berkowitz’ book. The site has been identified for over 1,700 years as the grave of the Jewish matriarch Rachel. In accordance with the respected judgment, I order that our commandment be issued to you so you will treat them accordingly without addition or without subtraction, without hindrance and without opposition to them by anyone in any way whatsoever  – written August 10, 1830. RACHEL’s TOMB.According to Genesis 35:19, 20 Jacob set up a pillar over Rachel’s grave, a landmark still existing at the time of Samuel ().E. “Bethlehem – Rachel’s Tomb or the Mosque of Bilal ibn Rabah is one of the stakes that the occupation government and the Zionist movement drove into most of the Palestinian cities….This grave is spurious and was originally a Muslim mosque.”47 During the Second Intifada, Rachel’s Tomb was attacked by gunfire both from the direction of the Aida refugee camp between Beit Jalla and Bethlehem, as well as from the rooftops of houses to the west, south and east. At the outset, the IDF besieged wanted terrorists holed up in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem not far from Rachel’s Tomb. Venerated in the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions for centuries, the Tomb of Rachel’s convoluted history goes back at least 1,700 years (Schiller 1978, Sered 1986, 1989, 1991, 1998, 1999; Limor 2007; Selwyn 2009, 2011). Visiting Rachel’s Tomb . Along the Bethlehem-Ephrath road lies the large rock traditionally thought to be the burial place In addition, it has also been a … Rachel’s Tomb remained under Israeli control, yet massive walls were installed around it to protect its Jewish pilgrims from Palestinian terrorism. Rachel's Tomb (Hebrew:קבר רחל Kever Rochel; Arabic: Qubbat Rakhil, Dome of Rachel), is the traditional gravesite of the Biblical Matriarch Rachel and is widely considered the third holiest site in Judaism. Official Website http://www.keverrachel.com/ Address (Unnamed Road), Bethlehem, Palestinian Territories. . In line with the Biblical text, Rachel’s tomb is on the ancient road between Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The site consists of a rock with eleven stones upon it, one for each of the eleven sons of Jacob who were alive when Rachel died in childbirth. An additional firman from April 1831, eight months later, determined inter alia: To inform and demonstrate to all interested parties and the appointed officials, the right of the Jews who are residents of holy Jerusalem to visit the grave of Rachel, the mother of the Prophet Joseph, peace be upon him, without hindrance….The deputy translator and other public functionaries, members of the Jewish community of Jerusalem, approached me with many requests regarding the tomb of Rachel, may peace be upon her, the mother of the Prophet Joseph, peace be upon him, and it is known that this grave is located outside the city of Jerusalem opposite the town of Bethlehem, on the highway…and that since ancient times the Jews have tended to visit this holy grave without anybody preventing them from doing so, as an inviolable law. Rachel’s Tomb. the time of the writer. When Jacob buried Rachel, her tomb was on the roadside outside of Bethlehem. 6. At the height of the Second Intifada, the Israeli government decided on September 11, 2002, to place the sacred compound inside the area of the Israeli security barrier in the Jerusalem area. Rachel’s Tomb “B” is located on Highway 60 outside the village of Hizme, parking is very difficult since their is no parking and either take the risk and leave your car on the side of the road or take a taxi and call the taxi when your done OR send me an email and allow me to show you both. Over the centuries, the rock was covered by a dome supported by four arches. 16. Sacred Sites, Religious Places, Pilgrimages. And now people have emerged who have begun to hinder them, although as aforesaid and as proven the Jews have a right to visit the grave according to the Sultan’s order. The origins of the practice, as the Land of Israel researcher Eli Schiller writes, is the popular Muslim belief that “the closer that the deceased is buried to the tomb of a sainted personality, the greater will be his rewards in the world to come.”19, Taxes were also collected from the Sephardi Jewish community in Jerusalem to pay the authorities for various “rights,” such as passage to the Western Wall, passage of funerals to the Mount of Olives, and for the protection of gravestones there, as well as payment to the Arabs of Bethlehem for safeguarding Rachel’s Tomb.20, One of the scribes who managed the accounts of the Sephardi Kolel during the eighteenth century reported on the protection money that the Jewish community at that time had to transfer to the “non-Jews and lords of the lands who are called toeffendis…(15,000) Turkish grush…and these are the people who patrol the ways of Jaffa Road, Kiryat Yearim, the people of the Rama, the site of Samuel the Prophet, the people of Nablus Road, the people of the Efrat Road, the tomb of our matriarch Rachel…so they would not come to grave-robbing, heaven forbid. Rachel's Tomb. Many times they bring the dead deliberately in order to disturb the prayers, for they as well recite a long prayer. Furthermore, in 2018 UNESCO declared the Rachel’s Tomb complex as a mosque, like its declaration in 2016 of the Western Wall as a holy Muslim site. 30. The mihrab was installed in the southern wall to the right of the window and was concealed after 1967. For many centuries, Jews were compelled to pay protection money and ransom to the Arabs who lived in the area so they wouldn’t harm Rachel’s Tomb and the Jews who visited it. I'm shorthanding this) Her tomb is found "along the biblical Bethlehem-Ephrath road, adjacent to the Israeli settlement of Gilo at the northern entrance to Bethlehem...This location is mentioned by Jewish travelers since … In the 1990's, due to the deteriorating security situation, the original domed structure was fortified and enclosed inside a building with a hall from the entrance. While Bethlehem lies within territory of the Palestinian authority, the Tomb of Rachel is technically outside of the town, and nominally under the jurisdiction of the Israeli government. They were also published in Miginzei Kedem, a more scientific publication.29, Montefiore received the permit for building an additional room attached to the existing structure from the Sublime Porte in Constantinople. At one point, 50 Jews found themselves besieged at Rachel’s Tomb while a gun battle between the IDF and Palestinian Authority forces was taking place around them.48 On April 2, 2002, the IDF returned to Bethlehem in the framework of Operation Defensive Shield and remained there for a protracted time. . Though the pillar, i.e sepulchral monument, has long disappeared, the spot is marked until this day, and Christians, Jews and Mohammedans unite in honoring it. Not only would Rachel’s tomb have to be close to the Tower of the Flock, it would have to be close to place where Jesus was born. Sacred Destinations is an online travel guide to sacred sites, religious travel, pilgrimages, holy places, religious history, sacred places, historical religious sites, archaeological sites, religious festivals, sacred sites, spiritual retreats, and spiritual journeys. Rachel's Tomb. 35), Rachel died when she gave birth to Benjamin: “And Rachel died, and was buried on the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem.” In Jewish tradition, her tears have been identified by authors, poets, and biblical commentators with almost every disaster that befell the Jewish people.4. Rachel's Tomb. 1. She died giving birth to Benjamin and "Jacob set a pillar upon her grave" (Gen. 35:19). There are 6 buses a day leaving from the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem; the 163 bus goes to Rachel's Tomb. The large tomb is now covered by a velvet drape. He served as a journalist and commentator at, Beit Milken, 13 Tel Hai St., Jerusalem, 9210717, Israel, Email: info@jcpa.org | Tel: 972-2-561-9281 | Email: info@jcpa.org. He noted that the place was known in Arabic as “Rachel’s Dome, a Jewish place of worship.”43, For many years in official publications of Palestinian national bodies, there was no reference to any other name for the site, including in the Palestinian Lexicon issued by the Arab League and the PLO in 1984, or in the Al-mawsu’ah al-filastiniyah published in Italy by the Palestinian Encyclopedia organization after 1996. Here, for example, is one of Freiman’s descriptions from his diaries: The 18th day of Sivan 5705: On Wednesday they brought a slain person from Bethlehem. Rendered in Istanbul at the end of the month of Shawwal in the year 1246 to the Hejira. In modern times, however, the city has grown until the tomb is now in the center of town with one of the main … Rachel's Tomb. Rachel's Tomb - The Heart Of Israel. A scrupulous examination of testimonies and historical sources demonstrates that defining Rachel’s Tomb as a mosque does an injustice to historical facts and traditions anchored in both Muslim documents and Jewish sources, and constitutes distortion, bias, and deception. Rachel is considered the “eternal mother” who cares for her children in distress. We suffered greatly. Rachel’s Tomb, a Jewish Holy Place, Was Never a Mosque, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), © 2021 Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Leadership Program in Arab-Israel Studies, Hamas is Acting as an Arm of Iranian Power, Iran Works to Ignite an Intifada in Judea, Samaria, and Israel, Hamas’ Mohammed Deif Tries to Surprise Israel with Booby-Trapped Suicide Drones, Iran’s Supreme Leader: The Global Balance of Power Is Tilting toward “Palestine” and Muslims, Behind the Outbreak of Palestinian Violence. Jerusalem was also on the north side of the border. Rachel's Tomb (Hebrew: Kever Rachel) is a Jewish sacred site located between Jerusalem and Bethlehem in the West Bank. Some identified the place as the southern wall of the Temple Mount, others as the eastern wall, but none of them suggested any connection to the western wall, sacred to Judaism. 17. Yet anyone visiting the site today will find it difficult to identify the image known to generations of Jews. His recent publications include Demography, Geopolitics, and the Future of Israel’s Capital: Jerusalem’s Proposed Master Plan (2010); Jerusalem: The Dangers of Division, An Alternative to Separation from the Arab Neighborhoods (2008); “Protecting the Continuity of Israel: The E-1 Area and the Link Between Jerusalem and Maale Adumim” (2009); “The U.S.-Israeli Dispute Over Building in Jerusalem: The Sheikh Jarrah-Simon HaTzadik Neighborhood” (2009); and “The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem: Why Continued Israeli Control is Vital” (2009). Rachel's Tomb and other religious shrines across the Holy Land have become flash points for tension and occasional violence during the 27-month uprising by … Machpelah means “doubled” … “Rachel’s Tomb Was Never Jewish,” Jerusalem Post, March 7, 2010, http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=170394.
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