[15] Reporters Without Borders questioned the evidence against Múñoz and called his imprisonment an "outrage" and an "abuse", arguing that the Colombian government could be acting against press freedom if the journalist had been jailed due to his work or because of past Telesur interviews with Colombian guerrillas. The channel's news agenda was originally dictated by its board of directors with the aid of an advisory council, which is formed by many international and regional leftist intellectuals, including Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, poet Ernesto Cardenal, writers Eduardo Galeano, Tariq Ali, Saul Landau, editor-in-chief of Le Monde diplomatique and historian Ignacio Ramonet, Argentine film producer Tristán Bauer, free software pioneer Richard Stallman and US actor and activist Danny Glover. Until January 2013, some of Telesur's programming was broadcast in Cuba during the day as a one-hour, highly edited mix of its news and documentary programs titled "Lo mejor de Telesur" (The Best of Telesur),[58] or, depending on the topic in the program, Mesa Redonda Internacional, a news and opinion program produced for Telesur by the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television. [38] In 2005, Vivanco stated, "If the shareholders of this company belong to a government like Cuba where they have no basic concept of free speech and zero tolerance for independent views, God help us". Con más 40 corresponsales en el mundo, alzamos nuestra voz donde otros medios callan. Caracas, April 25 (RHC)-- The Web page of the Latin American multi-state television news channel, teleSur, highlights this Sunday on its front page the new world day of support for Cuba and against the blockade that the U.S. has maintained for almost 60 years. [21], In 2005, after Telesur was founded, it was described as a network showcasing the diversity of Latin America. Argentina was its second main sponsor, but after the victory of big tent center-right coalition Cambiemos in the elections of 2015, the new government decided in 2016 to pull out allegedly because of a "lack of 'pluralism'. [47], On 25 September, Telesur journalists claimed they had been attacked with high-frequency radiation and mind-altering gas along with other international journalists accompanying Manuel Zelaya during his entrenchment in the Brazilian embassy after returning to the country on 21 Sept.[48], Telesur reported on 9 October that their media staff, who were covering the stay of President Manuel Zelaya in the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa since his arrival on 21 September, were forced to leave by "the progressive deterioration of their health due to a systematic plan of repression carried out by the de facto authorities". Sívori was reportedly assaulted by the soldiers who detained her. 2,044 were here. Su programación consiste en contenidos informativos con programas educativos, culturales, de debate, entretenimiento y cine "[34][35][36][37] The incident became popular in the international media since they found the use of the photo ironic due to the circumstances surrounding it. The network's availability through cable television has been very limited in Latin America because of the network's editorial approach to several events and governments in the region; the station manager in 2007, Aram Arahonian, said in an interview that "cable owners do not provide us with any access [...] it's not frequent, but it has affected us in the large countries. [3] Telesur also "won praise for its high production values and its intensive reporting about Latin America for Latin Americans". [38][39] Human Rights Watch also criticized the Venezuelan government in 2008 for preventing the freedom of expression of private media by blocking their expansion while strengthening the presence of Telesur and other government media in the country. telesurtv.net. 2,109 were here. [22] After 2007, however, some[who?] ", "Entrevista al presidente de Telesur, Andrés Izarra", "El Parlamento discutió la integración del país a Telesur y la situación del Canal 5", "Brovetto: En Telesur "Uruguay es responsable de lo que produce y participa", pero no de la eventual línea editorial", "Diputados aplazó votación sobre la Red Telesur", "Uruguay no se integrará este año a directiva de Telesur", "Uruguay se retira de Telesur y del Banco del Sur", "Gobierno anunció retiro de Uruguay de Telesur y del Banco del Sur", "Uruguay se retira de Telesur y Banco del Sur después de abandonar la Unasur", "2010: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman", "Fredy Muñoz Altamiranda denuncia su situación ante la campaña de acoso del Gobierno colombiano", "Atentado contra el corresponsal de Telesur: bomba estalló en la puerta de su domicilio", Federación Latinoamericana de Periodistas, "Agresión al domicilio del periodista Edgardo Esteban", "La SIP repudió y reclamó por los ataques recientes contra periodistas argentinos", "Amenazan de muerte a corresponsal de Telesur", "Venezuela's Telesur television goes bilingual with English programming", "The Bolivarian Alliance and the Hugo Chavez Propaganda Machine", "Telesur Goes on the Air Under Fire from U.S.", "Periodista denuncia plagio de sus fotos para tergiversar quema de camiones en la frontera", "El doble estándar de los medios chavistas para cubrir la represión en Venezuela y Argentina", "Estas son las razones por las que renunció una periodista de Telesur", "AFP: Opositores no incendiaron vehículo con ayuda humanitaria", "Odd Photo Choice for Venezuela Promotional Effort", "Reporter, once detained, now Venezuela's tourism poster child", "Venezuela uses photo of detained US journalist to promote its friendly face to foreigners", "Venezuela drops tourism advert with detained US reporter", "Argentina pulling out of Venezuela's sponsored Telesur TV network", "Chavez-funded Telesur flourishes in Honduras coup", "Comunicadores Socialistas respaldan a Telesur", " Policía retiene varias horas a periodistas extranjeros en hotel de Tegucigalpa", "Periodistas de Telesur y VTV fueron arrestados por golpistas hondureños", Ministry of Information and Communication of Venezuela, "Felap condena abusos contra periodistas de Telesur y VTV", "We're not Anti-U.S.": An Interview with Telesur Director Aram Aharonian", "A partir de hoy Telesur en señal abierta", "Telesur en señal abierta desde el 15 de julio por HTV", “The Boom in Counter-Hegemonic News Channels: A Case Study of Telesur, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, "Telesur abre señal en portugués para Brasil", "Telesur amplía su alcance para llegar a Ecuador, Nicaragua y Europa", "Reajustes en la programación de la Televisión Cubana", Telesur firmó tres acuerdos para extender la señal a África, Telesur will have English, French and Portuguese versions | NexTV Latam, "ZCommunications » teleSUR English Interview", "Latin American News Outlet's Facebook Page Mysteriously Disappears For 24 Hours", "Documenta ABN llega a las pantallas de Telesur", Controversy around teleSUR promotional campaign, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Telesur&oldid=1020122865, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 April 2021, at 08:53. [3][23][24][25] According to Aram Aharonian, the founder of Telesur who was removed from the network in December 2008 by former Venezuelan Minister of Popular Power for Communication and Information Andres Izarra, Chávez "took the reins" of Telesur and used "propaganda as rolling news". [44], On 12 July 2009, the Telesur crew, which were working together with the Venezuelan state media were arrested at dawn by police in the hotel where they were staying. Noticias escritas y en video, programas, reportajes, blogs, opinión así como la señal de video en vivo. "[1] Telesur began broadcasting on a limited, four-hour schedule on 24 July 2005, on the 222nd birthday of Latin American leader Simón Bolívar. "[2], In June 2016, the Argentine government announced that it would no longer support Telesur broadcasting. Con más 40 corresponsales en el mundo, alzamos nuestra voz donde otros medios callan. Telesur was advertised "as a Latin socialist answer to CNN. [5] According to The Boston Globe, the Venezuelan government provided broadcasting facilities and 70% of Telesur's funds, with other leftist governments supporting the network as well. [31], In October 2018, Telesur anchor Daniela Vielman resigned from the network, releasing a statement saying that staff employed by Telesur are "treated as if they were working in a political party" and that Venezuelan employees were paid in low-value Venezuelan bolívars compared to their foreign counterparts who were being paid in US dollars. We focus on the people, the common citizen, stories untold by traditonal media. Disfrute todo el contenido de teleSUR en su dispositivo. . . [45][46] The teams decided to leave the country after concluding that it was not possible to continue their work. On 3 March 2005 Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez signed several agreements with then-recently elected Uruguayan president Tabaré Vázquez regarding the energetic and communicational integration of both countries, one of them being the joint creation and financing of Telesur. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Venezuelan journalist Andrés Izarra [es], president of Telesur, confirmed in an interview in January 2006 the delay in the approval of the full incorporation of the country to the network: "There is a special situation (in Uruguay), because although the country is a member of Telesur, until their Congress does not approve it, we can't broadcast the channel locally or receive government funding. [9] Although sources close to the Congress told the press in February 2009 that the issue of incorporation to Telesur "was not a priority item in their agenda", and that the issue would not be discussed during the remainder of that year,[10] the agreement was finally ratified on 2 June 2009. Enjoy all the content on your device teleSUR. [53], The network started in February 2008 to broadcast some news programming to Brazil in Portuguese through several community stations in the state of Paraná. The Climate Change-Wildfires Link Is Real, US Scientists Recall. [64] On 23 January 2018, the Facebook page was deleted momentarily. The Telesur Twitter campaign stated, "We love Venezuela for receiving foreigners like one of our own. Photo: Twitter/@BrunoRguezP. Según encuestas, Pedro Castillo triunfaría en comicios de Perú. Noticias escritas y en video, programas, reportajes, blogs, opinión así como la señal de video en vivo. The proposed alternative Latin American television network that would become Telesur took shape on 24 January 2005, as part of the projects approved in a council of ministers of the Venezuelan government. The network began full-time broadcasts on 31 October 2005. [31] While "there were demonstrations in Venezuela against the economic policies of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in the same year, that ended with 100 deaths, thousands of arbitrary detentions and injured people. [citation needed], The process of integration of Uruguay to Telesur was long and controversial. [27] After the House passed the amendment, the Venezuelan ambassador in Washington, D.C., Bernardo Álvarez, stated that "in Venezuela there are 48 channels of free access to anyone with a television set and a small antenna. Telesur is currently available via Digital Terrestrial Television in Argentina, as part of the government-sponsored channel lineup which includes several other public service, educational, music, sports, and news channels. After just under a year of signing the agreements, they had not been carried out, although the party of President Vázquez was a majority in the country's legislative branch. Telesur correspondent in Argentina, Edgardo Esteban, was awakened the morning on 11 September 2008, by the detonation of a homemade bomb of low intensity in front of his home. Video post by @renematosruiz. [1][3][23][26] La Patilla stated that Telesur "insistently pointed out through reports that in Venezuela there is no humanitarian emergency, scarcity or general crisis" and "dismissed the exodus of millions of Venezuelans in search of a better life". [43], On 30 June 2009, several social organizations and journalistic unions in Venezuela took part in a march to the channel's studios in solidarity with the journalists. teleSUR added 5 new photos to the album: Parque de hielo en Tailandia. [42] As soon as the world learned of the detention, the journalists and their staff were quickly released. By 2011, Telesur is no longer available in Brazil. Horario de Programación: http://www.telesurtv.net/seccion/programas/index.htmlteleSUR representa la alternativa informativa para el mundo. [40], Following the election of Mauricio Macri as President of Argentina, Macri and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro engaged in disputes over Venezuela's human rights, with the Argentine government later pulling its funding of Telesur in March 2016 alleging that Telesur "blocks alternative viewpoints". [63], In July 2014, an English Telesur website was launched. Muñoz Altamiranda said that he feared for his life after being released due to subsequent threats. [1], The founder of Telesur was Aram Aharonian, a journalist and scholar who left Uruguay due to alleged right-wing pressure. Telesur (officially stylized as teleSUR) is a Latin American terrestrial and satellite television network headquartered in Caracas, Venezuela and sponsored primarily by the government of Venezuela,[1] with additional funding from the governments of Cuba and Nicaragua. [55] [7] In June of that year, and as the nation's Minister of Education and Culture, Brovetto expressed worries regarding the network's editorial line on certain issues and governments in the region, and how the diplomacy of his country could be affected by it. Several other international journalists were also under threat and their passports were retained. teleSUR English is an alternative representation for world news. 2,110 were here. Noticias escritas y en video, programas, reportajes, blogs, opinión así como la señal de video en vivo. telesurtv.net. Disfrute todo el contenido de teleSUR en su dispositivo. 1.2K1.2K. Con más 40 corresponsales en el mundo, alzamos nuestra voz donde otros medios callan. Esteban expressed concern for his life and his family after the attack. 2,054 were here. . Its primary sponsor is the Government of Venezuela; Cuba, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Bolivia contribute as well. From 20 January 2013, live simulcasting of Telesur has been extended and now occurs daily from 20:00 until 16:30. [62], After his interview with Christiane Amanpour for CNN, President Nicolas Maduro announced that as part of the U.S. media coverage of the 2014 Venezuela protests Telesur would launch in English, French and Portuguese on 24 July 2014, to coincide with Simón Bolívar Day. Con más 40 corresponsales en el mundo, alzamos nuestra voz donde otros medios callan. After a rigorous review of their documents and after being warned that if they continued their work in the country their personal safety was at risk, the crews were released but banned from leaving the hotel. as "a mouthpiece for Chávez". [52] The rest of the sponsor countries broadcast some of the networks' programs, mainly the news, in their public and educational channels (see list of sister channels). Nuestra agenda visibiliza a los pueblos, lo que no cuentan los grandes medios lo encuentra en teleSUR. [32], During the 2019 shipping of humanitarian aid to Venezuela, Telesur disseminated photos of protesters that the author of said images claimed had been manipulated to make it appear that the protesters were dousing and burning humanitarian aid in gasoline. Translate the description into English (United States) using Google Translate? [2] It was launched in 2005, under the government of Hugo Chávez, with the aim of being "a Latin socialist answer to CNN". Enjoy all the content on your device teleSUR. Only two of them belong to the government. Feb 24, 2014 - Aquí puedes ver el canal de noticias Telesur.com en vivo gratis. El Frost Magical Ice de Siam es un parque temático invernal en Pattaya, Tailandia, que cubre una superficie de unos 30 mil metro y cuya temperatura oscila entre los -10 grados Celsius. Telesur (officially stylized as teleSUR) is a Latin American terrestrial and satellite television network headquartered in Caracas, Venezuela and sponsored primarily by the government of Venezuela, with additional funding from the governments of Cuba and . began to argue that Telesur was a propaganda tool for Hugo Chávez and his Bolivarian Revolution, with the network being described[by whom?] [50], The availability of the channel via terrestrial television is greatly limited in the vast majority of South American countries. Argentina became the first founding member of Telesur to discontinue such participation, although Telesur content is still widely available in Argentina via internet, cable and satellite TV. "[49], According to Christopher Walker of the US government-funded National Endowment for Democracy, Telesur is Venezuela's "authoritarian media outlet" and has the ability to take advantage of both domestic and foreign media due to censorship of competing outlets in authoritarian states and openness in democratic states, which allow Telesur to broadcast. In those cases, Telesur praised the Venezuelan National Guard and the Bolivarian National Police, accused the demonstrators of being related to the United States, and considered Maduro's government as a promoter of peace". Con más 40 corresponsales en el mundo, alzamos nuestra voz donde otros medios callan. [41], A group of Telesur and Venezuelan state media journalists were in Honduras on 28 June 2009 to cover the events in relation to a non-binding referendum on the possibility of changes to the constitution of Honduras. [65], teleSUR Videos: Live news and high quality recordings database, reliable, independent, third-party sources, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Minister of Popular Power for Communication and Information, Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, 2019 shipping of humanitarian aid to Venezuela, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, "Channeling his energies Venezuelans riveted by president's TV show", Argentina President won't fund leftist TV network, "Aram Aharonian: "Telesur no logró ser latinoamericano, sigue siendo venezolano, "Aprobada creación de la Televisora del Sur, C.A. Written and video, programs, reports, blogs, opinion, and live video signal news. as having leftist views representing its sponsorship nations: Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Uruguay and Venezuela. Telesur was, until the detention and quick release of journalist Sívori, the only international channel that was broadcasting live the unrest in the streets of Tegucigalpa. [3] After Aharonian resigned from his position as the network's director in 2013, he commented in a 2014 interview that Telesur "did not achieve latinamericanization and continued to be Venezuelan".[4]. 2,104 were here. [26], In 2005, according to Connie Mack IV, a Republican from Florida's 14th congressional district who authored a House amendment authorizing Washington to create a station that would broadcast exclusively to Venezuela, Telesur undermines the balance of power in the western hemisphere and spreads Chávez’s "anti-American, anti-freedom rhetoric". Upon learning that soldiers of the Honduran military had ousted President Manuel Zelaya in a coup and exiled him to Costa Rica, the Telesur staff stayed in the country to cover events following the coup. Previous Post Ver “9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money BEST DOCUMENTARY EVER MADE 2016” en YouTube Next Post Ver “EX-Elite World Bank Member Exposes The COMING Economic Collapse” en YouTube [35], Americas director of Human Rights Watch, Jose Miguel Vivanco, opposed the creation of Telesur. [citation needed], On 13 March 2020, the new government of Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou stopped funding the network as part of the country's new foreign affairs strategy of "not integrating alliances based on ideological affinities".[11][12][13]. [56][57] According to the Swedish analyst Nathan Shachar the Cuban government thusly censors any information that is not to the liking of its "political system",[59] which includes "free elections, multiparty, strikes and protest movements that are non-existent on the island". The Inter American Press Association also criticized his detention and asked for the respect of due process.[16][17]. [29], Critics have argued that Telesur works as a propaganda network for the governments of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro, and provides coverage that focus only on information that may benefit or harm a government, according to its political alignment. Conmebol rechaza petición de Colombia y cambia sede de Copa América. In a formal letter the Puebla Group requested the resignation of OAS General Secretary Luis Almagro for his role in precipitating Bolivia's violent coup in November 2019. Telesur correspondent in Ecuador, Elena Rodríguez, was beaten and robbed in Quito on 19 September 2009, by a group of three people who left a pamphlet in which she received death threats because of her journalistic work for the channel. Venezuela started broadcasting Telesur via terrestrial television on 9 February 2007[51] and Ecuador on 15 July 2009. You can also receive more than 120 channels from four continents. The Latin American Federation of Journalists,[18] the Forum of Argentine Journalism[19] and the Inter American Press Association[20] expressed its rejection to any situations that put at risk the life of the journalist and demanded from the national and provincial authorities to work "so that intimidation against journalists will not happen again". La Nueva Televisora del Sur, C.A. A 24-hour broadcast channel started in July 2015. [citation needed] The journalist had received several threats because of his work on torture and corruption of Argentine military during the Falklands War. The Latin American Federation of Journalists, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter American Press Association condemned what they considered an attempt to stifle the free flow of information on the situation in the country. Telesur issued a press statement in which it said that the channel would make "further efforts to ensure accurate, timely and uncensored accurate information for the world and for the Honduran people, in such a complex historical circumstances." telesurtv.net. Con más 40 corresponsales en el mundo, alzamos nuestra voz donde otros medios... #EN VIVO: Programa especial Ecuador Decide, en el marco de las elecciones generales 2021. Show More teleSUR App 4.3.57 Update 2019-03-05 Mejoras a la opción de compartir videos. The situation requires a political decision and we hope that the government of Tabaré Vázquez support the initiative". Los sectores progresistas e independientes fueron mayoría en la nueva Convención Constituyente, encargados de redactar la nueva #CartaMagna en #Chile que data de los tiempos de la #dictadura de #AugustoPinochet. [14], In late 2006, the then correspondent of Telesur in Colombia, Fredy Muñoz Altamiranda, was arrested on 19 November on charges of rebellion and terrorism. #Rusia El presidente ruso Vladimir Putin manifestó que está dispuesto a sostener una conversación en línea con el mandatario estadounidense Joe Biden y resaltó que el diálogo con su par se podría llevar a cabo entre el 19 o 22 de marzo . You will only find them at teleSUR. However, a Facebook spokesperson later stated "[Telesur English] was temporarily unavailable due to an internal mistake." 2,109 were here. [3] Aharonian stated that the idea of Telesur was "to see ourselves as we truly were", stating that he sought more diversity in the media. [54], Although Cuba is one of the primary funders of Telesur, the channel is not available in all areas of the country. [citation needed], Telesur is available free-to-air via satellite in Latin America, the United States, Western Europe, and Northern Africa. [33], While promoting an ad campaign for the Government of Venezuela, Telesur used a photo on Twitter of Miami Herald reporter Jim Wyss arriving at the Miami International Airport after being arrested by Venezuelan authorities and interrogated by SEBIN. [60][61], On 27 September 2009, Telesur president and Venezuelan official Andrés Izarra announced an agreement with public TV stations in Mozambique, Angola and Guinea Bissau to broadcast some of the channel programming in Portuguese in the context of the Second Africa-South America Summit, held in Venezuela. is a public company which has various Latin American governments as its sponsors. [30] An independent investigation concluded that the original author of the photos was Karla Salcedo Flores and that the images "do not show a man pouring gasoline on one of the burning trucks during the incidents", as alleged by Telesur. Additionally, it was not until late 2007 that its programming was broadcast daily on the island, and still only from 22:30 until 8:00 the following day via Canal Educativo 2, an educational television channel. "[28] The chairman of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors, which runs Voice of America broadcasts in Latin America, Walter Isaacson said that the US could not be "out-communicated" by what he called enemies such as Telesur. 4343. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How [8] Uruguay's Chamber of Senators approved the bill that would ratify the agreements on 8 August 2006 by votes of the legislators belonging to ruling party, but the Chamber of Deputies postponed several times the debate on the draft. [6] The president of the Uruguayan Deputies' Education Commission, Jorge Brovetto confirmed in February of that year the country still wasn't part of the network's sponsors and asked that, until the parliament has not decided on a final status, the removal of the country's name as sponsor from its promotions and the website. [30], According to the Argentinian website Infobae, during a large demonstration in Argentina in December 2017 against policies proposed by center-right Argentine President Mauricio Macri (who previously denounced human rights abuses in Venezuela), Telesur "omitted the attack on uniforms and the large number of injured policemen (...) and also omitted that protagonist of one of the incidents was pre-candidate to deputy for a left party, Santiago Sebastian Romero".
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