Economic Impacts at Risk: Harbour Authority, ‘It’s Unacceptable:’ Drive-Ins, Movie Theatres Call for Ontario to Ease Restrictions, Outdoor Activities Allowed During Victoria Day Weekend in Ontario, Hinshaw Announces New Quarantine Rules for Albertans Who Have Been Vaccinated, Calgary Flames Reflect on Season Fizzle and Frustration, Free Live Music – 2021 Collingwood Festival Preview, GTA Photography Classes – Photo Tours & Workshops. Unparalleled esports and egaming content that speaks to key consumers about trends, news, lifestyle and happenings in the $150 billion market. FYI: The province plans to start vaccinating people aged 18 and older living in COVID-19 hot spots (list). Patrons must only be permitted to enter the premises to facilitate the contactless drop-off and pick-up or access computers, photocopiers or similar services. This publication features lifestyle stories around cannabis use and experiences, including emerging trends in wellness, travel, food and drink, pop culture, and cannabis-related brands. Many are saying, if I am a seasonal camper, I’m allowed. “Things are extremely, extremely serious right now and I’m extremely concerned,” Ford said. What is this? Lockdowns and new restrictions Today, the Premier of Ontario announced further regionally based restrictions to stem the spread of COVID-19. Restaurants are closed, cinemas and theatres are closed but strip clubs who serve food and alcohol can be opened….. Just think of all the lives lost due to Ford government’s policies regarding essential workers safety, not to mention those stricken with Covid who survived by are now incapacitated. More than half – 1,478 cases – were in the three regions of Toronto, Peel and York. Starting March 29, the new lockdown measures will allow outdoor fitness classes, outdoor training for team and individual sports, and outdoor personal training. domestic services to support children, seniors or vulnerable persons, including: indoor and outdoor cleaning and maintenance services, vehicle and equipment repair and essential maintenance and vehicle and equipment rental services, courier, postal, shipping, moving and delivery services, staffing services including providing temporary help. Terms of Service Go here for vaccination eligibility in Ontario. with the delivery of goods to patrons permitted between 6 am and 9 pm: Businesses that primarily sell, rent or repair assistive devices, aids or supplies, mobility devices, aids or supplies or medical devices, aids or supplies; Rental and leasing services including automobile, commercial and light industrial machinery and equipment rental; Optical stores that sell prescription eyewear to the public; Businesses that sell motor vehicles, boats and other watercraft; Vehicle and equipment repair and essential maintenance and vehicle and equipment rental services; and. It’s like we have no rights ! Also we can’t blame people for spreading it, it’s invisible. He also announced stricter public health measures as COVID-19 cases continue to surge and intensive care unit admissions rise rapidly. In response to rapid increase in COVID-19 covid 19 transmission, the threat on the province’s hospital system capacity and the increasing risks posed to the public by COVID-19 covid 19 variants, a declaration of emergency and provincewide Stay-at-Home order are in effect as of … Downhill skiing, golf courses and outdoor driving ranges are closed to the … The Ontario government's highly-anticipated reopening plan for post-lockdown life has finally been announced, and this time around everything is … Patients in the GTA are now being flown to other parts of the province for care due to capacity issues. Limit the capacity of weddings, funerals, and religious services, rites or ceremonies to 10 people indoors or outdoors. However, medical officers of health in Toronto and Peel Region have issued section 22 orders under the Health Protection and Promotion Act to close elementary and secondary schools. Established as the news, lifestyle, and entertainment weekly in Vancouver for 50 years, the Georgia Straight is an integral part of the active urban West Coast lifestyle with over 1.081 million readers per week. Update April 16:The province has announced very strict measures under “Enhanced Stay-at-Home Restrictions” for Ontario. About the declaration of emergency and provincewide Stay-at-Home order. Canada’s Ontario Returns to Lockdown to Slow Virus, CBC Says. The Ford government has extended Ontario’s COVID-19 stay-at-home order until June 2. New variants continue to cause concern. Ontario has officially extended its third state of emergency and its stay-at-home order until May 20, for a total of six weeks. organizations that provide health care, including: mental health and addictions counselling supports, laboratories and specimen collection centres. Enforcement of residential evictions will also be suspended while the order is in effect. Most of the other rules listed below remain the same. Seeing police tape around the playgrounds was interesting. Share on Twitter. Maintenance, repair and property management services that manage and maintain the safety, security, sanitation and operation of institutional, commercial, industrial and residential properties and buildings are allowed. Businesses that provide and ensure the domestic and global continuity of supply of resources are allowed, including: Businesses that deliver or support the delivery of community services are allowed, including: Outdoor recreational amenities permitted to open, subject to conditions, include: A permitted outdoor recreational amenity may only open if: Businesses and organizations that maintain research facilities and engage in research, including medical research and other research and development activities, are permitted. However, eviction hearings at the Landlord and Tenant Board will continue. -- A new mom in Kingston says she’ll be forced to end her maternity leave early because of the Ontario lockdown and rules around employment insurance. Outdoor garden centres can remain open at 25 per cent capacity. It open for takeout and delivery like other restaurants. DCN-JOC News Services April 16, 2021. The current COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open, will be paused when the provincewide emergency brake comes into effect. The order, which takes effect at 12:01 am on April 8, will last four weeks. manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers of pharmaceutical products and medical supplies, including: manufacturers, distributors and businesses that provide logistical support for products and services that support the delivery of health care, organizations that provide critical personal support services in home or residential services for individuals with physical disabilities, organizations that support the provision of food, shelter, safety or protection or social services and other necessities of life to economically disadvantaged and other vulnerable individuals, businesses that are primarily engaged in the provision of health and safety training (with conditions), sound recording, production, publishing and distribution businesses. the Ontario Driver Certification Program (administered by the Ministry of Transportation), for motor vehicles for which: a class of driver’s licence other than Class G, G1, G2, M, M1 or M2 is required, students at private career colleges, in accordance with certain conditions, extract, manufacture, process and distribute goods, products, equipment and materials, including businesses that manufacture inputs to other manufacturers (for example primary metal/steel, blow molding, component manufacturers and chemicals that feed the end-product manufacturer), regardless of whether those other manufacturers are inside or outside of Ontario, support and facilitate the movement of goods within integrated North American and global supply chains, produce food and beverages, agricultural products (including plants), including by farming, harvesting, aquaculture, hunting and fishing, support the food or agricultural products supply chains and the health and safety of food, animals and plants, electricity generation, transmission, distribution and storage, natural gas distribution, transmission and storage, waste collection, transport, storage, processing, disposal or recycling, critical infrastructure repair and maintenance including roads, dams, bridges, environmental rehabilitation, management and monitoring, and spill clean-up and response, administrative authorities that regulate and inspect businesses, professional and social services that support the legal and justice system. TORONTO — Ontario has unveiled a three-step reopening plan that will lift public health restrictions based on vaccination rates and other indicators starting in mid-June. In a … only be used by to members of the same household, used by individuals who are in need of housing, permitted to be there by the terms of a full season contract, diagnostic cardiac sonography and diagnostic medical sonography, medical laboratory assistant and Medical laboratory technician, mental health and addictions services, including psychology services, social work services and counselling services, personal support worker, supportive care worker, home care worker or a similar occupation, public health inspector, if the program is accredited by the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors, rehabilitation sciences (nutrition, speech language pathology, occupational science, and physiotherapy), capital markets and related securities trading and advisory services, banking/credit union activities including credit intermediation, financial services including payroll and payment processing and accounting and tax services, information technology (IT) services, including online services, software products and the facilities necessary for their operation and delivery, telecommunications providers and services (phone, internet, radio, cell phones etc.) People who live alone can be in close contact with one other household. People who received the AstraZeneca vaccine between March 10-19 will be eligible for second doses next week, Patio dining and retail will resume around June 14, but restrictions on outdoor recreation are lifting on May 22. UPDATE - 9:12 p.m. Jan. 13, 2021: This story has been updated with more details included in the legal order posted by Ontario’s government. Obviously, lockdowns, masks and other measures don’t work. On Friday, there were 2,362 new COVID-19 cases in Ontario. Sometimes 3 or more apointments a day 7 days a week . NOW Central Communications Inc. 2021 Terms of Use When will this nightmare end? Circulating materials returned to the library must be disinfected or quarantined before they are recirculated. Before that plan kicks in, the province will reopen outdoor recreational amenities such as golf courses and tennis courts on Saturday, following heavy criticism from experts who said outdoor … – Indoor public events and social gatherings are prohibited, except for those in the same household. This does not include receptions linked to those events, which must abide by the restrictions on social gatherings. Editor's Choice: 'This Is The Last Chapter' Of Ontario's COVID-19 Battle, According To … Doug Ford officially announced Ontario's shutdown is beginning on Saturday, April 3, at 12:01 a.m. At a press conference on Thursday, Premier Ford confirmed his government is pulling the "emergency brake," triggering an Ontario-wide shutdown that will last for at least four weeks. Share on Facebook. Effective Saturday, April 17, at 12:01 am, Ontario will: Effective Monday, April 19 at 12:01 am, the government will. Mar 26, 2021 3:38 PM By: Erika Engel. Short-term rentals (for example, cottages, cabins) are only to be provided to individuals who are in need of housing. So sad of all the lives lost.Many lessons to learn from this,if in 30 -50years another pandemic hits.How abiut a new hosptal specuaizing in desease prevention, Your email address will not be published. Reactions are all over the map on private campgrounds. Ontario has administered 7,576,624 vaccine doses (144,986 more than Wednesday). Ontario returns to lockdown for April 2021 less than one week after modifying rules to allow for patio dining in hot spot regions like Toronto and Peel. Must be a mistake …. Ontario will officially remain in lockdown for at least two more weeks after the government's current stay-at-home order expires on May 19, Premier Doug Ford has announced. four-week stay-at-home order that is now in effect, Official Rules For When You Can Leave Your House During Ontario’s Stay at Home Order, guidance document for sports and recreational fitness activities facilities that open for people with disabilities, COVID-19 Signage Questions for Businesses and Organizations, Toronto Maple Leafs Captain John Tavares Discharged From Hospital, Out Indefinitely, Let’s Turn on Splash Pads, Ottawa’s Mayor Tells Ontario After Reopening Plan Oks Golf, Ontario to Resume AstraZeneca Shots for COVID-19 as Second Dose, U.S. Cruise Law Puts B.C. Permitting outdoor garden centres and plant nurseries, and indoor greenhouses that engage in sales to the public, to operate with a 25 per cent capacity limit and a restriction on hours of operation to between 7 am and 8 pm. – Indoor and outdoor dining are barred at restaurants, which can only provide takeout, delivery and drive-through service. support services for transportation services, including: logistical support, distribution services, warehousing and storage, truck stops and tow operators, and, services that support the operations and safety of transportation systems including maintenance and repairs, marinas, boating clubs and other organizations that maintain docking facilities (with conditions), businesses that provide and support online retail, including by providing warehousing, storage and distribution of goods that are ordered online, instruction for drivers of commercial motor vehicles. Limiting the majority of non-essential retailers to only operate for curbside pick-up and delivery, via appointment, between the hours of 7 am and 8 pm, with delivery of goods to patrons permitted between 6 am and 9 pm, and other restrictions; Restricting access to shopping malls to limited specified purposes, including access for curbside pick-up and delivery, via appointment, with one single designated location inside the shopping mall, and any number of designated locations outside the shopping mall, along with other restrictions; Restricting discount and big box stores in-person retail sales to grocery items, pet care supplies, household cleaning supplies, pharmaceutical items, health care items, and personal care items only; Permitting the following stores to operate for in-person retail by appointment only and subject to a 25 per cent capacity limit and restricting allowable hours of operation to between 7 am and 8 pm. With the exception of exercising an Aboriginal or treaty right, ice fishing huts may: Campsites must be made available only for trailers and recreational vehicles that are: Only campsites with electricity, water services and facilities for sewage disposal may be provided. Provincial health and safety inspectors and provincial offenses officers will step up inspections and enforcement at essential businesses in hot zones. Grocery stores and pharmacies will continue to have in-person shopping with restrictions. The provincial government announced some changes to its lockdown rules today that will allow more businesses to stay open even if the region is placed in the grey/lockdown zone. Reuters. film and television postproduction, visual effects and animation studios, book and periodical production, publishing and distribution businesses. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! You should not travel outside your region or the province unless absolutely necessary. Ford announced this week that the lockdown orders, which were set to expire on May 20, would be extended until at least June 2. Please make plain, thanks. This government must go!! the person responsible for the film or television production must ensure that the production operates in accordance with the guidance document titled “Film and television industry health and safety during COVID-19” issued by the Film and Television Health and Safety Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, as amended from time to time. People who live alone can be in close contact with one other household. It’s time to end the lockdown/masks and let us live our lives. 265/21) until at least June 2, 2021.All public health and workplace safety measures under the provincewide emergency brake will also remain in effect. Originally posted on Nov 20, 2020 General Non-essential retailers must also close for in-person shopping, but can operate from curbside pick-up from 6 am to 9 pm. What you can do and when under Ontario’s new 3-phase COVID-19 reopening plan Click to return to homepage. Night clubs and strip clubs only permitted to open if they operate as a food or drink establishment. Circulating materials must be reserved over the telephone or online for contactless curbside, delivery or pick-up. The province has announced very strict measures under “Enhanced Stay-at-Home Restrictions” for Ontario. In-person driving instruction only permitted for: Construction activities or projects and related supporting services, including demolition and land surveying, are allowed. I read it that people in need of accommodation(no where else to live) and have a seasonal contract for a lot with full services are allowed. Most of the other services that were open during “Shutdown” remain open like golf courses and other outdoor recreational facilities, construction, and hotels. During this period, Ontarians are required to remain at home and only go out except for essential reasons, which includes going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services (including getting vaccinated), outdoor exercise, to attend school or to go to work that cannot be done remotely. To date, there have been 19,500 COVID-related workplace inspections and investigations in 2021. All recreational facilities in the campground and all other shared facilities in the campground, other than washrooms and showers, must be closed. **Peel (528), Toronto (607), York Region (181) and Ottawa (92) account for 1,408 of today’s cases. interactive digital media businesses, including: computer system software or application developers and publishers, handle circulating materials that are shelved or in other areas of library storage, mental health and addiction support services, to a limit of 10 people, Casinos, bingo halls and gaming establishments, Concert venues, theatres and cinemas (includes drive in or drive through events), Horse racing (open for training only, no races or spectators), Zoos and aquariums (permitted to operate for the care of animals), post signs at all entrances informing people how to screen themselves for, limit capacity so guests can stay at least 2 metres apart, make sure anyone indoors wears a mask or face covering, including workers who have to come within 2 metres of anyone else (with some, make sure workers use personal protective equipment (, clean and disinfect often-touched surfaces, such as equipment, washrooms, locker rooms, change rooms and showers frequently, manage line ups to make sure customers are at least two metres apart and wearing face coverings or masks. These restrictions will impact many OREA members and their businesses. The new restrictions in the shutdown will be similar to grey-lockdown but reducing outdoor gatherings to 5, outdoor dining closed and outdoor fitness prohibited. BREAKING: Ontario outlines essential construction projects. Effective Monday, April 19, 2021: Capacity at places of worship, weddings and funerals will be capped to maximum of 10 people indoors or outdoors, but drive-in … Toronto’s school closure began on April 7 and will last until at least April 18. Ontario announces new lockdown rules, hair salons can stay open. The provincial government announced some changes to its lockdown rules today that will allow more businesses to stay open even if the region is placed in the grey/lockdown zone. Privacy Policy, Updated: Here’s the rules for Ontario’s new stay-at-home order. Your email address will not be published. It is illegal to gather indoors with anyone you do not live with. The new stay-at-home order is similar to the previous one that expired in March – with a few exceptions. OTTAWA - Canada's economic engine and most populous province of Ontario on Wednesday was ordered into a four-week lockdown to slow the spread of a new wave of COVID-19 infections. Home construction can continue under latest round of Ontario COVID-19 restrictions. Measures include, but are not limited to: The enforcement of residential evictions is suspended while the stay-at-home order is in effect. – Supermarkets, grocery stores and other stores that primarily sell food, as well as pharmacies, are limited to 50 per cent capacity. It’s the virus’s fault not yours or mine. Post-secondary institutions open for virtual instruction, with limited exceptions where in-person instruction is required (e.g., clinical training, trades). and facilities necessary for their operation and delivery, newspapers, radio and television broadcasting, transportation services provided by air, water, road, and rail, including taxis and other private transportation providers. Changes will come into effect as of 12:01 a.m. on April 17. – Weddings, funerals, religious services or ceremonies are capped at 15 per cent capacity per room indoors, and to the number of people who can maintain two metres of distance outdoors. This includes supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, indoor farmers’ markets, other stores that primarily sell food and pharmacies; and, Close all outdoor recreational amenities, such as golf courses, basketball courts and soccer fields with limited exceptions. identified high-performance athletes, including parasport athletes training and competing for the next Olympics/Paralympics, and specified professional leagues (for example, child care, mental health and addiction support services, social services or other specified purposes (includes community centres and multi-purpose facilities, such as YMCA) – 10 people maximum, access to physical therapy for a person with a disability (as defined in the, written instruction by a regulated health professional required, only for physical therapy not available elsewhere, accompaniment by support persons or service animals allowed, if required, tennis, platform tennis, table tennis and pickleball courts, shooting ranges, including those operated by rod and gun clubs, snowmobile, cross country, dogsledding, ice-skating and snow-shoe trails, portions of parks or recreational areas containing outdoor fitness equipment, physical distance of at least two metres can be maintained, team sports, or other sports or games where people may come within two metres of each other, are not practiced or played, locker rooms, change rooms, showers and clubhouses remain closed (except for access to equipment storage, washrooms or first aid), organizations and providers that deliver home care services or personal support services to seniors and persons with disabilities, professionals or organizations that provide in-person counselling services. Outdoor activities. LOL well I am happy it took the govt a year to realize to keep outdoor playgrounds and walking trails open. Ken. In a statement released Thursday, May 13, the government said that more contagious variants continue to pose significant risks. See the full list of 29 essential reasons here. Please see above for the new rules. Non-essential retailers must close, box stores have new restrictions and eviction enforcement is suspended. With variants of concern causing a surge in new COVID-19 cases, Ford said the measures are needed to protect the health-care system from becoming overwhelmed.
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