Whatever you do, don’t shy away from having the tough conversations like holding people accountable for broken promises. 3. 8. Only promise what you know you can do. A true gentleman doesn’t backtrack on his words, but walks the talk. When you next make a promise or agree to a commitment, write it down with your partner, and put it where both of you can see it. There might me a lot more to this promise keeping question but….Keeping ones word is called integrity. And unless he's clean he's never going to keep a promise to you . One big disrespectful trait in any relationship is when the man does not make any efforts to keep his promises and disappoints you repeatedly. My boyfriend constantly makes promises he never keeps. NO addict can keep promises. When you fail to … So unless he is willing to go to drug rehab, ditch all his friends and ditch the enabling family he's never going to be clean . This guy is emotionally neglectful, and of course he is triggering your abandonment issues, because he is, currently, in real time, abandoning you! I'm so tired of him blowing everything off like it's not a big deal when I make it evident that it is. He will keep forgetting things that are important to you, and even when you speak of them, he will not bother much. 6. It can be extremely annoying when a guy insists that he will do something, but never gets around to do it. You rest assured that he only makes commitments that he intends to keep. Breaking promises causes problems in relationships when one partner decides the other isn’t trustworthy. He stands by you. 2. EVER. If your boyfriend or husband a bold-faced makes promises he never keeps, read When He Says He’ll Change – But Never Does. While addicted to drugs. If he keeps his promise fully and completely without any hint of an excuse or hesitation, he has gained my respect. Does your boyfriend or husband listen when you talk, and communicate how he feels and what he thinks? That's not what real love or true commitment is. The drug will always come first . We've been together for years and he has always done this. Fast forward to today. Do you feel heard in your relationship? He keeps his promises. Generally it's small promises but promises nonetheless and it's really the little things that matter the most to me. He set the tone properly from day one. Your boyfriend doesn’t listen to or respect you. We should never feel like if we make one so-called "mistake" or wrong move our boyfriend is going to leave us. He is passive, doesn’t keep his word, you don’t have sex, and humiliates you in front of your family by reneging on holiday plans. Every single time without a doubt, period. 3. 5. A female reader, shania +, writes (20 November 2005): It does seem he is halfhearted,if u have been seeing each other for 2 mths,then it should be in the exciting period,saying that,it is a long distance relationship and that would add the strain.If i was you,i would cut my losses with this man and find a social life somewhere else,he is not that keen.Find another boyfriend who will keep his … Your boyfriend does not keep his promises. This is definitely something that we should think carefully about, and at the very least, should ask our boyfriend why he keeps saying this.
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