Non-contrast MRI imaging is currently part of the pre diagnostic work up of hip pain at Western Health, Victoria. All patients were intraoperatively reviewed for labral tears, ligamentum teres tears, and chondral rim damage. 3 Tesla MRI has also been confirmed as superior to 1.5 Tesla for quantifying internal derangement of the hip [15]. 1996;431:R275–6. MR arthrography is considered the best imaging method 2,3. Part of Keywords: Hip arthroscopy, Ligamentum teres, MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging Background Hip pain in young adults can be a difficult clinical diag-nosis. 1999;81-B(4):600–3. Chondral rim damage was difficult to diagnose, but abnormal signal at the chondrolabral junction with partial thickness defects would suggest damage. The average time between MRI and hip arthroscopy was 71 days (range 1 to 179 days). The MRI criteria used for a labral tear was a line of high signal coursing from the articular side through the base or into the substance of the labrum, with or without distraction of the labrum [18]. Both the acetabular and femoral articular surfaces were assessed. Traumatic complete and partial tears are most commonly found close to the fovea capitis 1. It is an important in providing hip stability and supplies blood to the femoral head. Prior femoroplasty with incomplete resolution of a cam deformity, new For the 13 patients with no chondral disease at arthroscopy, observer A incorrectly reported 6 cases and correctly reported 7 while observer B incorrectly reported 4 cases and correctly reported 9 cases. Terms and Conditions, Presence of ligamentum teres tear has been associated with persistent hip pain in those with labral tears, such that in one study, those with ligamentum teres and labral tear were 16.5 times more likely to fail non-surgical treatment and progress to a surgical intervention that … Ligamentum teres injuries are considered a more common cause of hip pain and are discovered on hip arthroscopy with a wide frequency up to 50% 1,2. Arthroscopic findings. c Inflamed ligamentum teres, MRI findings. In humans, it has been suggested that it is not the ligamentum teres but the hip capsule (specifically the iliofem… Byrd JWT, Jones KS. Common symptom generators include acetabular labral tears, ligamentum teres tears, and chondral dam-age. A prospective study of 71 hips on 68 patients undergoing hip arthroscopy was conducted comparing pre-operative analysis of MRI imaging versus an arthroscopic examination. If untreated ligamentum teres injuries might lead to persistent pain and instability. Tears of the ligamentum teres are commonly found with other problems in the hip such as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and labral tears. CT confirms an acute avulsion fracture of the left femoral head medially at the superoanterior aspect of the fovea capitis where the ligamentum teres inserts. 1. LT insufficiency may become symptomatic in patients with dysplasia and/or following surgical LT debridement. 2006;186(2):449–53. Secondary outcome measures included inter-observer variability and correctly staged ligamentum teres tears. Ligamentum teres syndrome (LTS) is a clinical disorder manifested by apparent thickening of the ligamentum teres usually secondary to synovial proliferation. The accuracy of radiology reporting for ligamentum teres tears, labral damage, and chondral rim lesions was 85.92% for each instance. b Ligamentum teres tear and chondral damage. Chondrolabral junction signal abnormality was regarded as a labral tear, although this may be difficult to distinguish from an articular cartilage abnormality at the base of the labrum. Abnormal hip stress results in labral injury, which usually manifests as a tear, sometimes with displacement or detachment of a labral flap [17]. Partial tears a harder to detect and diagnose. Partial tears are clearly more frequent than complete tears 2. PT is the project supervisor and was also involved in the data acquisition. Conventional non-arthrographic MRI offers an accurate non-invasive method to screen patients with symptoms referable to the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Br. Edwards D, Lomas D, Villar R. Diagnosis of the painful hip by magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy. The radiologists were asked to report whether damage was present, and also to what grade, for each of the three pathologies. Ipavec M, Iglic A, Iglic V, Srakar F. Stress distribution on the hip joint articular surface during gait. The understanding of the role that the ligamentum teres serves in the hip joint is still evolving. PubMed  Cookies policy. Am J Sports Med. 2016;36(6):1717–45. Datir A, Xing M, Kang J, Harkey P, Kakarala A, Carpenter WA, Terk MR. The ligament is made tense when the thighis semiflexed and the limb then adducted or rotated outward; it is, on the other hand, relaxed when the limb is abducted. Diagnostic utility of MRI and MR arthrography for detection of ligamentum teres tears: a retrospective analysis of 187 patients with hip pain. O'Donnell JM, Arora M. A novel and simple classification for ligamentum teres pathology based on joint hypermobility. Ligamentum Teres is normal. An important cause of ligamentum teres injury is a traumatic hip dislocation, other mechanisms comprise flexion adduction injuries e.g. The ligamentum teres of the hip can be depicted in axial, coronal and oblique axial images. 2012;40(6):1337–41. 2009;19(6):1519–28. However, MRI has poor specificity and negative predictive value, and thus, a negative MRI … Hip arthroscopy has led to a greater understanding of intra-articular hip pathology. ADVERTISEMENT: Radiopaedia is free thanks to our supporters and advertisers. Abnormalities of the ligamentum teres account for 4%–15% of sports-related injuries and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with hip pain. Observer B reported 11 correctly and 4 incorrectly. LA is the principle author for this project; he was involved in the study design, data collection and analysis, draft, and final approval of the article. These images were re-reported by two musculoskeletal-trained radiologists blinded to the original report and the findings at hip arthroscopy. 5. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. The ligamentum teres lives deep inside the hip joint and connects the transverse ligament at the acetabulum to a notch in the femoral head, holding the ball in place in the socket. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,,, This study demonstrates that tears and synovitis of the ligamentum teres as potential sources of hip pain can be accurately identified on conventional non-arthrographic MRI. MRI with leg traction can further improve the delineation of the ligament and allow for better visualization of the articular surfaces 1. The 71 cases were obtained from four different radiology providers. MR imaging of the hip is becoming more commonly performed. There were 35 right hips and 38 left hips examined. This difference in time may have resulted in deterioration of the lesions between having the MRI and undergoing the arthroscopy; leading to larger- more detectable- lesions at the time of arthroscopy. Paired student T tests were conducted to determine the accuracy of each observer. The articular cartilage was graded on the MRI and at arthroscopy the classification system of Outerbridge. Acute left hip joint effusion noted. Article  The Ligamentum Teres (LT), is a triangular band that runs in the floor of the acetabulum, and progressively forms a cord like structure to attach to the femoral head. A prospective review of 328 adults investigated for hip pain. 2. CAS  Its contribution to hip stability is controversial . Damage is present in 50% of sporting hip arthroscopies but isolated tears are quite common. Cite this article. There is an old ununited fracture of the left superoposterior acetabular margin. Conventional non-invasive imaging of the hip has a varied ability to detect lesions of the hip. within the scope of a sudden twisting injury 1. It has been shown that musculoskeletal-trained radiologists have better diagnostic accuracy than those without subspecialty training [8]. 2003;226(2):382–6. Am J Roentgenol. In addition, the capsulo labral tissues and surrounding muscles and tendons stabilize the hip, dictate its range of motion, and enhance its function. The accuracy of the MRI reports were judged by the arthroscopic findings and were calculated by true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives. PubMed  MRI is poor at quantifying chondral damage [14]. MRI without intra-articular contrast injection is the non-invasive imaging of choice for the hip, demonstrating lower risk of infection and pain, being readily available and being of lower cost. The ligamentum teres of the hip can be depicted in axial, coronal and oblique axial images. Hip Ligamentum Teres Tear. All hip arthroscopies were performed by a single surgeon. J Bone Joint Surg Br. Assessment for ligamentum teres damage was based on alteration in the normal smooth contour and loss of the normal low signal. Table 4 outlines the average accuracy between observers A and B. Arthroscopy has become a valuable diagnostic tool for hip joint pathology, as well as having a therapeutic capacity [9]. Lecouvet FE, Vande Berg BC, Malghem J, Lebon CJ, Moysan P, Jamart J, Maldague BE. Ethics approval was obtained from the Western Health Low Risk Ethics Panel, project number QA2013.34. MR or CT arthrography better show contour alterations and fluid-filled defects and are more accurate than conventional MRI 1-3. Once considered merely a vestigial structure, the important role of the ligamentum teres (LT) has been furthered elucidated with the advent of hip arthroscopy. Changes in signal intensity reflect degeneration and injury, simulating the changes seen in the meniscal fibrocartilage of the knee. 2006;238(2):706–11. Subsequent to this, what have been previously considered rare diagnoses are increasingly recognized. In the current literature, non-contrast MRI is moderately accurate for identifying labral tears (85% sensitivity) and chondral rim damage (92% sensitivity) [13]. a Labral tear. Chondral rim derangement detection is, however, poor, demonstrating 79% sensitivity and 77% specificity. Annabell, L., Master, V., Rhodes, A. et al. Eur Radiol. Abnormalities of the ligamentum teres account for 4%-15% of sports-related injuries and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with hip pain. High signal change within and surrounding the ligamentum was considered indicative of synovitis. We found MRI to be poorly specific and inaccurate for measuring or grading chondral lesions. High resolution noncontrast MRI of the hip. Am J Roentgenol. James SLJ, Ali K, Malara F, Young D, O'Donnell J, Connell DA. Check for errors and try again. There are numerous structures in and around the hip that can be injured, including intra-articular structures (such as the labrum, cartilage, or ligamentum teres), muscles, tendons, surrounding soft tissues, and osseous structures. MRI was shown to have a poor negative predictive value. All scans were performed on a GE 3 Tesla twin speed HDx (Peak gradient 790 gauss/cm). As with any surgery, it does have recognised complications. MRA with fluoroscopically guided intra-articular contrast (Gadolinium) injection has shown the best correlative results after hip joint arthroscopy, for labral tears with 92% sensitivity and 100% specificity [11]. Article  A torn ligamentum teres can be a cause for hip pain and locking [6], of-ten is the result of major or minor trauma [7], and is a known cause for hip pain in athletes [6, 8]. A painfully reduced range of motion, joint locking or painful straight leg raise test might be found on clinical examination 2. The radiological include a description of the following: Ligamentum teres injuries are mostly managed arthroscopically with debridement, radiofrequency ablation and depending on the type and any associated injuries capsular plication, suture or reconstruction 1,5. Scores between 0 and 0.20 were graded as slight, 0.21 and 0.40 as poor, 0.41 and 0.60 as fair, 0.61 and 0.80 as moderate, and 0.81 and 1 as substantial. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been shown to be more sensitive and specific than other non-invasive imaging techniques for the identification of ligamentum teres lesions [1, 2]. Is diagnostic arthroscopy of the hip worthwhile? (2010) Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. 30 (6): 1637-51. Google ScholarÂ. The diagnosis of a lesion of the ligamentum teres was made preoperatively in only 2 cases. Importantly, chondral damage grading is poorly accurate with the planar sequences used, the cartilage only well seen (directly perpendicular) on two to three slices on the coronal PDFS sequences; therefore, the whole cartilage surface was not seen in its entirety on conventional imaging. Am J Roentgenol. b Ligamentum teres tear. Research suggests it contributes little influence as a ligament past childhood,although it may still be important in transmitting arterial supply to the femoral head. Our results demonstrated reasonable sensitivity (90.92%) and positive predictive values (91.96%). The trochanteric bursa is normal. Table 3 outlines the results of the individual observers comparing MRI results with arthroscopic findings. Observer A correctly identified 55 out of 63 tears., DOI: Younger individuals have a triangular labrum with sharply defined margins and homogeneous low signal that undergoes a progressive change in morphology, becoming rounded or blunted, and increasing in signal intensity with age. The labrum has a normal appearance with no tear identified. is thought to provide some stability to the hip [2, 4]. {"url":"/signup-modal-props.json?lang=us\u0026email="}. 4. CC was involved in the article revision and submission and is the corresponding author for the project. Patients with MRIs performed within 6 months before hip arthroscopy were included. It increases the joint surface area by adding depth to the acetabulum, and thereby reduces mechanical stress on the articular cartilage. The acetabular labrum is a fibrocartilaginous ring that surrounds the bony acetabulum and blends inferiorly with the transverse acetabular ligament. 2010;194(3):709–14. Schmid MR, Nötzli HP, Zanetti M, Wyss TF, Hodler J. Cartilage lesions in the hip: diagnostic effectiveness of MR arthrography. 2014;203(2):418–23. Sensitivity of MR arthrography in the evaluation of acetabular labral tears. This study also confirmed a relative lack of accuracy with respect to the grading of cartilage abnormalities, largely due to the narrow zone of visualisation. It is also noted that it can be difficult to quantify the degree of damage with conventional imaging [6]. Zlatkin MB, Pevsner D, Sanders TG, Hancock CR, Ceballos CE, Herrera MF. Chondral rim damage was graded using a modified Outerbridge classification (Table 2). The aim of this study is to determine the accuracy of non-contrast MRI for diagnosis of intra-articular hip derangements and identify radiological features that could increase the accuracy of the diagnosis. Patients without hip pain were not included. Minimal data is available for the diagnosis of ligamentum teres tears and chondral rim damage. Unable to process the form. © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. American journal of roentgenology. The ligament is really engaged when you lift your leg out and up, similar to what we see ballerinas do. Gray AJ, Villar RN. Acetabular labral tears and cartilage lesions of the hip: indirect MR arthrographic correlation with arthroscopy—a preliminary study. A retrospective review of a consecutive series of hip arthroscopies performed between March 2011 and January 2013 was conducted. BM was involved in the data collection and analysis. Of the 15 cases without tears, observer A reported 10 correctly and 5 incorrectly. The ligamentum teres is a secondary stabilizer of the hip joint. Article  The ligamentum teres of the hip connects the femoral head to the acetabulum. The labrum is subject to continuous weight-bearing stresses, undergoing morphologic change, and degeneration with age [16]. Furthermore, the experience of the radiologist reporting the images can affect the accuracy of diagnosis [7]. Inter-observer reliability scores were calculated with kappa values. This study was designed to analyse the sensitivity and specificity of MRI in identifying intra-articular hip pathology, specifically, tears of the ligamentum teres and chondral rim damage, in comparison to hip arthroscopy at a single institution. Damage to the ligamentum teres is most often caused by traumatic injury or repetitive twisting movements. Arthroscopy. Google ScholarÂ. 2010;31(2):268–78. Figure 1 shows examples of some of the pathology noted on arthroscopy while Fig. 2 shows pathology reported by the radiologists. 1995;77-B(3):374–6. Common symptom generators include acetabular labral tears, ligamentum teres tears, and chondral damage. Krampla W, Roesel M, Svoboda K, Nachbagauer A, Gschwantler M, Hruby W. MRI of the knee: how do field strength and radiologist’s experience influence diagnostic accuracy and interobserver correlation in assessing chondral and meniscal lesions and the integrity of the anterior cruciate ligament? Grade 0 indicated intact articular cartilage; grade 1, chondral softening (high signal); grade 2, superficial ulceration, fissuring, or fibrillation involving less than 50% of the depth of the articular surface; grade 3, ulceration, fissuring, or fibrillation involving more than 50% of the depth of the articular cartilage; and grade 4, full-thickness chondral wear with exposure of subchondral bone. Activities considered as predisposing factors for ligament teres injuries include sports with high impact or twisting movements such as 1,3: A ligament teres injuries might be associated with the following clinical conditions 1: The diagnosis is challenging due to a lack of specific symptoms poor visualization on imaging. Am J Roentgenol. Google ScholarÂ. Conventional non-arthrographic MRI offers an accurate non-invasive method to screen patients with symptoms referable to the hip by revealing the presence of labral tears, chondral defects, and ligamentum teres tears/synovitis. 2006;187(6):1412–9. The ligamentum teres is a conduit for a small branch of the obturator artery, but that branch is often occluded in adults. The MRI reports and arthroscopic findings were compared for the investigation of labral tears, ligamentum teres damage, and chondral rim damage. The accuracy between observers A and B was taken as the mean of the individual observer results. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Radiology. 32 videos. • The better understanding of the ligamentum teres anatomical features and the imaging evaluation of the lesions may contribute to improve diagnosis prior to the arthroscopy. Potter HG, Schachar J. All had been previously reported by board-certified radiologists. – carries artery of the ligamentum teres (supplies blood to femoral head in children) – may serve as transarticular route for spread of tumor MR Imaging Protocols • Vary with indication and equipment • General protocol categories – routine “screening” hip (R/O AVN, non-specific hip pain) Department of Orthopaedics, Western Health, 160 Gordon Street, Footscray, Melbourne, VIC, 3011, Australia, Lucas Annabell, Brett Moreira, Cassandra Coetzee & Phong Tran, Department of Radiology, Western Health, 160 Gordon Street, Footscray, Melbourne, VIC, 3011, Australia, You can also search for this author in Radiographics. Focal high signal with loss of the normal smooth contour was indicative of a partial ligamentum teres tear, while complete loss of continuity indicated complete tear. The ligamentum teres, also known as the ligamentum capitis femoris or round ligament of the hip, is an intra-articular ligament within the medial hip joint. Evaluation of the acetabular labrum at 3.0-T MR imaging compared with 1.5-T MR arthrography: preliminary experience. The ligamentum teres is a vital intra-articular hip structure that medical literature underestimates despite its considerable role as a source of hip pain and as an internal stabilizer of the hip joint that authors consider it as the hip anterior cruciate ligament . Juerg Hodler, Rahel A. Kubik-Huch, Gustav K. von Schulthess. Complete tears might reveal themselves as discontinuity, displacement or redundancy in the setting of an acute injury or as an absence of the ligament in case of a chronic complete tear 1-4. Case 1: ligamentum teres avulsion fracture, congenital absence of the ligamentum teres. Technically, the LT reconstruction with an allograft needs to be associated with other procedures to address microinstability, such as capsular plication. At MRI, the ligament may appear striated and have two to three bundles with a slightly bilobed appearance [ 1, 3 - 5 ]. The ligamentum teres of the hip: an arthroscopic classification of its pathology. Pain due to isolated tears without other intra-articular pathology can, however, occur . Radiology. This study demonstrates that tears and synovitis of the ligamentum teres, as potential sources of hip pain, can be accurately identified on conventional non-arthrographic MRI. The limitations of this study included possible sampling bias, with the high prevalence of disease in the patient cohort, which clearly reflects the presentation of hip symptoms. All p values were given a statistical significance value of 0.05. Two musculoskeletal radiologists reported the data independently. Scroll Stack. The findings can be then confirmed on arthroscopy 2. 2004;32(7):1668–74. All operative reports were available and collected for review for the purposes of this study. 1996;167(4):1025–8. The MRI findings most consistent with labral tears include the presence of linear high signal traversing the articular surface into the labrum, presence of intra-labral fluid signal, and loss of homogenous low signal triangular morphology. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Sutter R, Zanetti M, Pfirrmann CWA. Pflugers Arch. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research VM and AR are the secondary authors and were involved in the data acquisition. Hegazi TM, Belair JA, McCarthy EJ, Roedl JB, Morrison WB. For the arthroscopic findings, labral tears were graded in direction and magnitude. Evaluation included 20 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, 7 MR arthrograms, 7 computed tomography (CT) scans, and 3 bone scans. Sundberg TP, Toomayan GA, Major NM. Diagnostic accuracy of clinical assessment, magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance arthrography, and intra-articular injection in hip arthroscopy patients. Am J Sports Med. An 87-year-old man with a history of a fall while walking and severe left-sided hip pain. By using this website, you agree to our Shakoor D, Farahani SJ, Hafezi-Nejad N, Johnson A, Vaidya D, Khanuja HS, Eng J, Demehri S. Lesions of Ligamentum Teres: Diagnostic Performance of MRI and MR Arthrography-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. The hip is a complex ball-and-socket joint comprising the acetabulum, proximal femur, and articular cartilage. Skelet Radiol. Signs and symptoms are non-specific and include hip pain or groin pain possibly associated with a snapping sensation. Toomayan GA, Holman WR, Major NM, Kozlowicz SM, Vail TP. Cassandra Coetzee. Am J Roentgenol. It can be difficult to diagnose a ligamentum teres tears, as MRI scan is currenly not accurate enough to reliably diagnose it. Privacy Hip pathology: the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging. Schmitz MR, Campbell SE, Fajardo RS, Kadrmas WR. All chondral lesions on MRI were confirmed in at least two separate planes and specific attention to the weight-bearing acetabulum, fovea, and posterior joint space. Each radiologist’s reports were also compared to investigate the inter-observer reliability of the findings. Iliopsoas muscle and tendon: Normal. (2018) Journal of hip preservation surgery. 많은 응원 부탁드립니다. It is a common condition found in dancers and gymnasts. a ligament responsible for stabilizing the ball and socket joint. Sports injuries about the hip: what the radiologist should know. Acute bony avulsions should show associated bone marrow edema 1. There were 71 patients, with an age range of 21 to 66, and an average age of 39. statement and 2012;264(3):651–67. Hip pain in young adults can be a difficult clinical diagnosis. This study demonstrates that tears and synovitis of the ligamentum teres as potential sources of hip pain can be accurately identified on conventional non-arthrographic MRI. Muscles and tendons: No muscle abnormality is seen around the ___ hip joint. Concomitant ligamentum teres tear and synovitis detection is limited, demonstrating 1.8% sensitivity and 98.5% specificity [12]. There were 30 women (42%) and 41 men (58%). All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The ligamentum teres has been recognized as an important stabilizer of the hip. Ligament thickening, irregularities, intrasubstance fluid signal intensity and loss of the smooth contours can indicate the diagnosis 1-4. 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