Slang expression originally used to describe a southern city in Jamaica called Portmore (hometown of Jamaican DJ Vybz Kartel). It’s hard to find words that even begin to describe the utter devastation. It is autocratic and does not tolerate any political alternatives. In his own words: Imtiaz Sooliman on the current situation in Gaza. This is what he said. Now I have to wonder - how much are palestinians/gazans to blame for that ? Inhabited since at least the 15th century BC, Gaza has been dominated by several different peoples and empires throughout its … In the media, in the NGO community, and even in the Defence Ministry, you'll find plenty of thoughtful Israelis that will recognize that, firstly, the current trajectory is threatening for Israel's security and that a stable and prosperous Gaza... is also good for Israeli security. Are there any, or are they too at the whim of Israel's power? Among its many rulers were the Philistines. my own tldr for the situation is(i am arab just fyi) : civilian gazans = innocents , they're people deprived of their country and condensly packed in a small area , they're under blockade and israel literally controls what food enters, IDF and israeli government in general = seems to be mostly evil , eviction and persecution and oppression and list goes on ..hopefully this can be fixed when netanyahu gets replaced, civilian israelis = there are 2 parts in this, jewish extremists and jewish supremacists and zionists:some entitled shits that think the land is exclusively theirs and are racist against arabs (and i personally think the power is currently in their hands), 2)ordinary jewish/ israeli civilians : normal innocents who want to live in peace and don't care who lives with them, civilian palestinians that are inside or have access to israel = one of the main victims of the govt. This didn't pan out quite that way. During the past 5 years, the suicide rate among my generation (millennials) in Gaza has skyrocketed. Just a little bit of history in Gaza, that will help you put the blockade in context. Gaza Strip, Arabic Qiṭāʿ Ghazzah, Hebrew Reẓuʿat ʿAzza, territory occupying 140 square miles (363 square km) along the Mediterranean Sea just northeast of the Sinai Peninsula.The Gaza Strip is unusual in being a densely settled area not recognized as a de jure part of any extant country. Gaza, also referred to as Gaza City, is a Palestinian city in the Gaza Strip, with a population of about 450,000, making it the largest city in the Palestinian territories. Hamas is rather popular. As a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Egypt administered the newly formed Gaza Strip territory and several improvements were undertaken in the city. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. the police and the govt. 22 May 2021. Diseases spreading, no access to basic needs, no access to education and a dead employment market. 6- Hamas: Israel's justification for committing genocide in Gaza. The word Gaza comes from the Hebrew Azzah, loosely meaning “strong city.”. At this point, there was no blockade of Gaza. A fishing limit imposed by Israel in 2014 means that Palestinians living in Gaza can only fish about 6 miles from shore. Gaza (see note on Amos 1:7), after being depopulated and again re-peopled by Alexander the Great, fell into the hands of Ptolemy, and was destroyed by Antiochus, B.C. We have intensive contacts with our Jordanian brothers to obtain more (transit) letters for our people in Gaza. According to … Iron dome will destroy the most, then IDF will retaliate and in the end its the palestinians who will get fu..ed the most. The purpose of the plan was to Meaning, Israel is incentivized to just maintain the status quo. also take the opportunity (imo netanyahu wants it to help him in his next elections )and the excuse given to them and fire on the densly populated gaza since the rocket launching sites are (apparently) placed inside civilians living places (since it's so dense) which harms innocent gazans greatly(since they have no defense systems) adding an extra problem to them besides the starvation and poverty and blockade(israel says hamas uses human shields and that israel warns gazans before firing on them , which imo even IF true is BS , there's no room in gaza for separated military areas and israel won't allow building of them anyways ,and for the warnings where would the civilians escape to in densly populated and blockaded gaza , and they also won't leave their places as a sign of resistance), so hamas and the IDF keeps firing at each other harming people on both sides and that's how far we got as of 5/13/2021 5:50 AM CET i guess, tldr : some dudes are persecuting some dudes which lead the persecuted dudes to protest which can harm some innocent dudes besides harming non-innocent dudes but the persecuting dudes keep mistreating the persecuted dudes anyways, and the persecution of those dudes lead a dudes organization to take advantage of some dude image and fire missiles at the persecuting dudes randomly which harms nearly every dude , so the persecuting dudes retaliate irresponsibly which harms the dudes organization's innocent civilians, tldr of tldr : some british dude thought it was a good idea to send a certain race in big amount to an already inhabited area and now the place is dipped in shit. Gaza is one place that will never be forgotten. A day in 2014 changed her life forever after the Israel-Gaza conflict, known globally as Operation Protective Edge, saw around 2,300 Palestinians killed … It was taken by Alexander after a long siege, 332, and near it Ptolemy defeated Demetrius Poliorcetes, 312 B.C. Inhabited since at least the 15th century BC, Gaza has been dominated by several different peoples and empires throughout its history. Gaza, the word itself gives thought to meaning, and that meaning is different for every individual. In 2005, the Sharon government withdrew from Gaza unilaterally, Not a single Jew was allowed to remain. In these two years - 2005 to 2007, there was no Gaza Blockade. In 2006, Hamas won the elections and started purging every single member of rival factions from Gaza. And then they declared their objective was to wipe Israel from the map and started attaching civilians. Here are some things to consider that others might have "forgot" to mention: 1- Israel controls all resources that enter and exist Gaza. (how does "working in IT" sound like?). They didn't do the second. We did the first. This arbitrary involvement and intentional creation of legal vacuum definitely supports development of groups like the current palestinians have. Liberation of parts of our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land. We spoke to Gift of the Givers founder Dr Imtiaz Sooliman about the expanding Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. Gaza. The numerical value of gaza in Chaldean Numerology is: 3, The numerical value of gaza in Pythagorean Numerology is: 8. Maybe it would be better if they "really" occupied the teritories with responsibilty that comes with that, introduce proper military rule or annex them or retreat to 67...Very difficult to say whats right thing to do. Israel has made it very clear there will be no easing of the blockade with Hamas involved, even during periods of peace. “What is happening in Jerusalem is an ongoing saga. It’s strange how people can come to opinions without understanding the context of history. Talk about freedom and brave struggle might be "cool" but with 75% population younger than 25 shouldnt the focus be on jobs and trying to improve their (hopefully) long futures ? If initiated, it’ll be the fourth Israeli full-scale ground war of aggression on Gaza since December 2008. Its name means "the strong;" and this was well elucidated in its siege by Alexander the Great, which lasted five months. See Also in Spanish. Until there is some magical way to empower a moderate regime in Gaza, the current sh*tshow will continue apace. What realistic steps do you think the Israeli government should take to improve the situation in Gaza while upholding its duty to protect Israeli citizens? So your question which is like "why is Palestine governed incompetently?" The problem is that the only way Israel will ever lift the blockade is if Hamas is no longer in charge. Nimrod: This has meant "moron" since the 1940s, before which it meant "mighty hunter," from the name of Nimrod, a biblical character reputed to be a great hunter.For that one can thank Bugs Bunny, who called the inept Elmer Fudd “poor little nimrod.” Fudd’s two attributes – fool and hunter - got confused in the minds of viewers, forever changing the meaning of the …
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