Susan realised this but soon put his mind at rest: she liked Ken for himself and was not bothered by his home. Within a couple of months, he retired to Bournemouth, mostly for the air for his sick wife, and Dr. Graham took over his practice. Linda Cheveski (also Tanner) is played by actress Anne Cunningham between 1960 and 1984. Born in Poland, Ivan and his family left their home during the war as Ivan's grandparents' shop was burned down by the Nazis when they were found to be harbouring a Jewish doctor. After the war, Ivan emigrated to the UK, and found a home in Warrington with his uncle Rizhard. Florence Lena 'Florrie' Lindley is one of the original characters of Coronation Street. At first he was too proud to accept living in Coronation Street, which caused a brief split between him and Irma. She took on Dennis Tanner as assistant, but he wasn't up to the job and was replaced by Irma Ogden. Martha (Lynne Carol) was one of the three gossips of the Snug Bar, along with the aggressive Ena Sharples (Violet Carson) and the self-effacing Minnie Caldwell (Margot Bryant). As of 2020[update], Roache is the only original character from 1960 remaining in the cast. His clash with his postman father as the first university student in a traditional working-class family forms the opening situation of the series. Cigarette Addict. Duration: 1961, 1962-1963, 1966, 2008-2009. Florrie wasn't sure how to react to him, as he said if she didn't go to Canada with him they might as well get a divorce. Her first few days in the shop were marred when she was caught by the police selling firelighters after closing time. Once Elsie hands over the lease to the shop to Florrie, she leaves the Street.[3]. The stripped-back format allowed the focus to remain on the connection between two beloved characters, ... with this being an instrumental factor in Coronation Street’s early popularity. Ivan and Linda had a second son, Martin, in 1964 and stayed in Birmingham, next visiting for Elsie's wedding to Steve Tanner in 1967. Harry decided to respect her wishes and for the time being she remained with the Walkers. Elsie Castleway (also Foyle and Lappin) was the owner of the Corner Shop on Coronation Street from 1945 to 1960. Actor Bill Roach has played the iconic character since the show first began, amassing … Escaping from her orphanage, she tries living with her widowed father who has re-married to barmaid Concepta Riley (Doreen Keogh), but responds badly to her stepmother and new half-brother Christopher Hewitt (Stephen Ward). While the neighbours held her down, the doctor was called and Mary was carted off in a van. Coronation Street is a British television soap opera. She took a job at Elliston's Raincoat Factory and briefly dated David Barlow before falling for Roy Newman, an American GI stationed at Burtonwood. While on a coach trip to Blackpool Harry proposed to Concepta, who accepted. Lawrence went on to become an English lecturer and had two children of his own, James Cunningham (James Roache) and Chloe, with Ken none the wiser until August 2010 when Susan's letter was found behind a skirting board at No.3. When Amy died aged 94, Minnie moved from 15 Jubilee Terrace to No. Another long term character was Minnie Caldwell (played by Margot Bryant), who would remain with the series for 16 years and also in the original line-up was loveable rogue Dennis Tanner (played by Philip Lowrie), who is significant for his 43-year gap between appearances. Her friendship with next-door neighbour Albert Tatlock (Jack Howarth) sometimes causes friction with Albert’s daughter Beattie Pearson (Gabrielle Daye). The newlyweds had to cancel their plans to buy a house as he couldn't continue at the club. Thomas Hewitt was not particularly close to either of his children, and after war broke out, was ashamed of Harry not being accepted into service (due to foot problems). Three years later, Annie again suspected that Jack was having an affair, this time with Elsie Tanner in 1967, but Annie had incorrectly interpreted the situation as Jack wanted Elsie to make some clothing for Annie. Aggie Bailey. Ena was abusive to the young glasses-wearing girl, calling her "specky four-eyes". Vera visits her mother occasionally but does not see her half as much as Ena would like, not that she would admit it. In 1967, David considered standing for Council elections, but Irma hated the idea and he eventually decided not to go through with it. He also visited Minnie's grave. When Ken didn't show, Susan drove to Coronation Street to see if he was alright. Barbara Knox. With Thomas's passing in 1947, the Hewitts stayed on at 7 Coronation Street, now the third generation of their family to inhabit Coronation Street. There'll still be a stunt involved. A variety singer in her youth, Elsie's singing days ended when she injured her vocal chords at twenty-three. Harry and Nellie later marry off-screen. She was born in Annie Walker's living room at The Rovers Return Inn on 8 January 1940, being delivered by Ena Sharples. She had no close friends in the street and usually went to bingo when she was lonely. Eventually she agreed, but didn't tell Elsie - eventually Ena Sharples told her. After one trip to the bingo with Emily Nugent in 1963, Florrie won £100 but was mugged. Community content is available under. She was fined £1 in court, but she was mainly worried about the local newspaper carrying the story and sullying her reputation. Potty-mouthed Ken Barlow was the first character to ever swear on the soap. He wanted to move the relationship to the next level and asked her to marry him when the street residents went a trip to the Blue John Mines. Florrie settled in well, making a few friends such as Elsie Tanner and Albert Tatlock, and she hoped romance would be on the horizon with widower Harry Hewitt, but he was largely oblivious to her interest and ended up marrying barmaid Concepta Riley shortly after her arrival. She would flirt on-and-off for years with Len Fairclough (Peter Adamson). Despite his earlier injury, he played a game, and his leg was fine. Irma told David she wanted to have a baby. Coronation Street. He took this as a sign that he might just be able to return to the sport full-time, for a team in Australia, but Irma was dead against it - the prospect of living somewhere where they didn't know anyone appealed to David much more than it did to Irma. Minnie died in 1988 and was buried in her hometown of Weatherfield beside her husband Armistead. The following August, Concepta's father's failing health forced him into retirement, and Concepta once again pushed Harry to move to Ireland to take over the business. David still hoped Irma would change her mind but at Christmas the couple fostered Jill Morris for a few days. Elsie Tanner eventually found Christopher alive and well with Joan Akers, whose own baby had died, and convinced her to return the baby to the Hewitts herself. As he stumbled into the house blind drunk, Mary came charging down the stairs in her nightgown, a carving knife in her hand, and started slashing at her son in a psychotic episode. She and her mild-mannered husband Jack (Arthur Leslie) remained a popular double-act for years; their two children were Billy (Ken Farrington) and Joan (June Barry). The broadcast regulator revealed on … A seance is held but Norris later discovers the "haunting" is caused by damp. Aadi Alahan. Like her mother Elsie, Linda was interested in men and eager to marry. Bobby, an orange tabby, was played by many cats over the years, and a storyline was created to explain the obvious differences in appearance: Bobby went missing in 1968, and so Minnie adopted a new cat which she named Bobby. Irma convinced him it might be a better idea to buy the Corner Shop in Coronation Street as owner Lionel Petty was selling. He works at a seedy club, where he has showbusiness ambitions of which his mother is sceptical. Shy, retiring Florrie was a barmaid at the Farrier's Arms on Collier Street before moving from Esmerelda Street to Coronation Street in 1960, buying the Corner Shop from Elsie Lappin and renaming it "Lindley's Provisions". She appears in the very first episode of Coronation Street and makes her last appearance in early 1961. In December 1961, Vera leaves her son Colin in Ena's care for the afternoon (Colin was played by a young unknown, David Jones, who would rise to stardom as one of The Monkees.) Jack and Annie had run the Rovers for 33 years when Jack fell ill and went to stay with his daughter Joan in Derby. David was never happy in the shop as it was typically where the women of the Street went to share gossip. Ivan Cheveski played by actor Ernst Walder until 1967. His football career over, he considered a factory job but hesitated as it was such a step down. Riley (Doreen Keogh) has the distinction of being the first barmaid to be seen at the Rover’s Return, as employee and confidante of pub landlady Annie Walker (Doris Speed). As Moss was small for her age at sixteen, she was able to act the 11-year old Hewitt. Played by Lorna Laidlaw. He is a Coronation Street resident in the early 1960s, and the husband of Elsie Tanner's daughter Linda. David announced he was retiring from football but took a job as player coach for Weatherfield Athletics. David convinced Irma they should marry quietly and without telling their families, but everybody found out anyway and surprised them by showing up for a reception. If he's not coming back to straighten out Peter once and for all, he should stay away. Albert (Jack Howarth) is a grumpy retired widower with nothing to do, except work on his allotment and talk about his service in World War I. When the day arrived for Lucille to go to the children's home, Harry was almost as distressed as Lucille, feeling the sense of loss from his daughter's departure almost as much as he had with Lizzie. Tickler was interested in the shop, and kept up the relationship until Florrie started talking about marriage, too soon apparently as he was afraid of commitment and fled back to Ireland. Coronation Street is a long running soap opera and the hundreds of main and minor characters who have appeared over the years have often mentioned their age, birthday or birthdays have been seen on gravestones or passports. By the time he returned home, Mary had changed into resentful and angry woman, but her problems went ignored until the night Harry returned home from a pub crawl after receiving his first wage from the buses. He was off the field again in April after tearing a ligament, and stayed with the Barlows so he could date Irma Ogden (Sandra Gough), who he started seeing during his previous visit. Tracie Bennett made 173 appearances as Sharon in 1982, 1983-84, and 1999, ruffling more than a few feathers along the way. The neighbours were stunned that Florrie wasn't a widow as she had always claimed. Other significant characters to appear this year include Elsie Lappin (played by Maudie Edwards) the original owner of the Corner shop and most famous for speaking the first words on the show; Susan Cunningham (played by Patricia Shakesby), Ken's first girlfriend and the subject of a 2010 storyline in which it was discovered she had later given birth to his son; and May Hardman (played by Joan Heath), who became the first character to die in the series on 30 December. He was one of the team's best players and in June a second division London team wanted to transfer David and offered £1,000 to sign him. David had big plans for them to move to Cheshire and Irma's parents, Stan (Bernard Youens) and Hilda Ogden (Jean Alexander), were keen for her to have a well-off lifestyle as the Ogdens had always struggled with money. He lodged with Coronation Street resident Minnie Caldwell who had a … Of the original cast, William Roache, Alan Rothwell, Philip Lowrie, Ernst Walder and Anne Cunningham are still alive as of 2020. While Linda and Elsie prepared the house for the baby, Ivan concentrated on money. Hilda and Shelagh remained at the shop until 1957 and in 1960 Elsie decided to retire. From 1960–1962, Minnie lived with her bossy mother, Amy Carlton (1868–1962). In Coronation Street's early years the show never had an archivist. He and Linda originally move to Warrington but buy a house in Coronation Street when Linda wants to be closer to her family. When she became pregnant in late 1960, she fled to Weatherfield and moved back in with Elsie and younger brother Dennis. David was born on 4 July 1942 in Weatherfield, Lancashire. In June 1940, Alice's husband Sam Burgess was killed in battle, and Thomas shamed his son into enlisting. During her brief visit, Linda became suspicious that Elsie was having an affair with Len Fairclough. These include flame-haired siren and series first sex symbol Elsie Tanner (played by Patricia Phoenix), staunch up-tight battleaxe Ena Sharples, (played by Violet Carson), typically middle class town Mayor and publican landlady Annie Walker (played by Doris Speed) and grumpy war veteran Albert Tatlock (played by Jack Howarth) and university graduate Ken Barlow (played by William Roache) - all of whom would go on to star in the series for twenty years or more. After being questioned by the police, Lucille admitted to Harry that she'd left Christopher with a girl from her class, Brenda Cowan, while she was in Gamma Garments. Jack was born on 26 April 1900 in Accrington, Lancashire. David had trouble getting to know the Ogdens. Linda sold up to Bill Webster for £11,500 and left the Street again. Jed also had a box containing photos of him and Minnie. Ken's university education had turned him into "a proper stuck-up little snob", as Albert Tatlock put it - "snooty" was the simple way in which Ken's father, Frank, defined Ken's change in attitude. En route, the van broke down, and Harry tried to repair it himself, jacking up the van with bricks. The following is a list all the unseen, but mentioned, characters listed in alphabetical order. She also found that Albert annoyed her considerably. In 1963, when Harry became ill with a chesty cough, Concepta began considering a move to the Irish countryside, making a living by buying her father's garage-cum-grocers. Maggie Clegg eventually bought the shop. At this point he was written out of the story because of a strike by the actor's union Equity, but made many re-appearances in the series. The twins - who … Coronation Street (informally known as Corrie) is a British soap opera created by Granada Television and shown on ITV since 1960. Although he becomes a political activist with a complex love-life, some critics found the character boring. After failing as a singer, he moves to London as a talent scout. One of the new clippies was Nellie Briggs, with whom Harry arranged a double date, with his mate Len Fairclough and her friend Lizzie Harding making up the numbers. Minnie considered marrying Albert Tatlock in 1974 but realised that she would be financially burdened by Albert, as Ena told her erroneously that she would receive just £1,250 for a married couple while she already received £775 in pensions as a single occupant. Ken (William Roache) is the elder son of Frank Barlow (Frank Pemberton) and Ida Barlow (Noel Dyson). The war ended on 8 May 1945, but as the other Street residents celebrated, the Foyles mourned the passing of Tommy who died from a heart attack. While underneath, the bricks slipped and Harry was crushed. Christine was played by Jennifer Moss, to give her experience of live television before making her debut as Lucille Hewitt three episodes later. Living with his father after the war, Harry returned to the buses, where he was promoted to conductor. An invalid in his later years, Tommy had urged Elsie to remarry so she wouldn't have to run the shop alone after his death, and although she could cope perfectly well at the shop Elsie did get married again, to Les Lappin in 1947. This is the first death in the history of Coronation Street.[4]. Harry Bailey (originally credited as Ron Bailey) is an insurance agent who originally arrives in the Street to investigate May Hardman's health, but usually spends most of his day in the Rovers. It took an accident in which Paul fell into a canal to bring Ivan up to Weatherfield, and the Cheveskis got back together after all. The first tenants were Phil Braithwaite and Norman Dobson, and they were followed by Sheila Birtles and Doreen Lostock. The character was created by series creator Tony Warren as part of the original cast, and she appears in the first episode along with family members including her mother, aging 'good-time girl' Elsie Tanner and her 'lovable rogue' brother Dennis. Jack left a devastated street of residents and a heartbroken wife, but as he would have wanted, the Rovers remained open and Annie continued to be landlady for another 13 years. Pushed His Mum Down The Stairs. Sandra was played by Jennifer Moss, to give her experience of live television before making her debut as Lucille Hewitt two episodes later. Swindley (Arthur Lowe) is a lay-preacher at the Mission Hall, organising excursions for the locals and theatricals for charity. Harry did not settle down easily into his second marriage. Elsie's scheme was rumbled by the police and she was fined. One of the most memorable characters in the series, Elsie (Pat Phoenix) was immediately identified as the siren of the street. A flirtation sprang up between Concepta and Harry, with Harry taking Concepta to the Bus Depot Dance. Her son, Lawrence Cunningham (Linus Roache), was born later that year. In pain, May tries to summon help over her headaches but dies in the hallway of No.13, where Florrie discovers her. Harry and Alice both suffered from Mary's mental problems. Although Ivan was offered his old job back, they returned to Montreal. CORONATION Street fans have noticed a whopping blunder after Asha and Aadi Alahan celebrated their 16th birthdays a year early. Jack soon had to go and fight for his country in the Second World War and Annie was left to run the pub until Jack returned. The family returned again in 1966, but although Linda wanted to stay in Weatherfield, Ivan had his heart set on Birmingham. The Hewitts led a peaceful life in the Street until the cold winter of 1959, when Lizzie was hit by an out-of-control bus which had skidded on the ice. Susan Cunningham was a contemporary of Ken Barlow at Manchester University who unwittingly caused trouble at home for Ken. In 1957, she met Ivan Cheveski, a Polish immigrant, and they married in 1958. In 1964, Annie left Jack after she suspected him of cheating on her. Linda and Ivan had a second son, Martin Cheveski, born in 1964. Harry was not romantically attracted to either lady. Abi Franklin. Annie Walker, Concepta's former employer at the Rovers, offered to take Lucille in as the Walkers' ward so that she could finish her schooling in Weatherfield, an offer graciously accepted by the Hewitts. Elsie enjoyed working behind the counter and took over the running of the shop when Tommy was confined to bed after a stroke. At the start of the series, Elsie worked in the department store "Miami Modes"’, and had two adult children, Linda (Anne Cunningham) and Dennis (Philip Lowrie), from her marriage to Arnold Tanner (Frank Crawshaw). Name Of Character. She made a play for Brian Tilsley, and lied … History repeated itself as Harry was caught between two women, with Concepta and Lucille equally stubborn in their opposing positions. Martha becomes the cleaner at the pub and suffers embarrassment when old schoolfriend Ted Ashley (Jerold Wells) revisits Weatherfield to catch up with old friends, and she mistakenly thinks he is courting her. In 1968, David was rapidly growing tired of the shop, and aspired to return to football, still being young enough to have a good career ahead of him. Harry was not short of female attention though, as local shopkeeper Florrie Lindley and one of his colleagues Eileen Hughes fought over his attentions. Ken began to bond with his son but after discovering that Lawrence was homophobic and disapproved of his son, James, being homosexual, Ken cut all contact with him, angry that he would disown his own son for being different. An old flame, Handel Gartside (Harry Markham), came back to woo her in 1970 after he had made a bit of money in an overseas business venture in Quebec. Sometimes Florrie had trouble paying her suppliers, so to generate a regular source of income, Florrie rented out the flat above the shop, while she lived in the accommodation behind the shop. In 1984, Ivan and Linda split up, apparently for good. Florrie poured her heart out to him but he still wouldn't open up to her and he later admitted that he wasn't interested in her romantically. The premature death of his wife Ida (Noel Dyson) brings the two of them together. Irma's parents were an old-fashioned couple and Stan hit Irma when he found David in Irma's bedroom. But Ken went on to become the longest-running character in any soap opera. His death was the result of actor Arthur Leslie dying from the same cause. To save face, Florrie said she felt the same. Like his older sister Alice, he was educated at Hardcastle's Factory School, which later became Bessie Street School, before going out to work at fifteen and landing a job as a clippie on the newly established Weatherfield Bus Service. Florrie ended up seeing Frank Barlow when they were both stood up, but they kept their meetings secret at first as Frank was also recently widowed. In 1970, the Barlows and their son Darren were involved in a car accident. Ken and Susan split up in 1961, shortly after they took part in a "Ban the Bomb" protest, as they felt that their backgrounds were too different. Harry Hewitt was the second of Thomas and Mary Hewitt's children, born on 24 February 1921. The pair became engaged but the whirlwind romance didn't last. After a month on the dole, Harry got a new job as a chauffeur for Amalgamated Steel. He and Emily Bishop reminisced about her briefly, where Jed mentioned that he had regretted getting arrested on Minnie's birthday in 1966. May complains of head pains but Christine thinks she's attention seeking. William Roache, who plays Ken Barlow, is the only cast member to remain in the programme to this day. After the sale, Elsie remained for a few days to show Florrie the tricks of the trade and warn her about the neighbours. Shortly afterwards things picked up as Florrie returned to the shop against her Doctor's orders and she started seeing Irishman Tickler Murphy. Jack and Annie were also offered the Royal Oak by the brewery but they decided that their heart belonged in the Rovers Return. Ivan tracked her down but she was surprised when he liked the idea of having a baby, so they reconciled. Linda convinced Ivan to take a day job in Weatherfield, at an ironworks. Coronation Street is a British television soap opera/serial, initially produced by Granada Television. It has also attracted high-profile fans. He next visited over Christmas 1964 and stayed with Ken and his wife, Valerie (Anne Reid). The marriage was in crisis as Linda had had an affair with a Canadian and returned to Weatherfield. Dawn Prescott 32 episodes, 1989 Dario Coates ... Alex Neeson 32 episodes, 2007-2008 Pal Aron Frank Barlow objected to Ken spending money in the same place his mum worked hard to earn it and forbade Ken from meeting Susan. Ida Barlow (Noel Dyson) is the wife of Frank Barlow (Frank Pemberton) and mother to Kenneth (William Roache and David (Alan Rothwell). The following is a list of characters introduced by Warren upon the series' inception, by order of first appearance. Female Barlow Youth. In 2008, former lodger Jed Stone reappeared after an absence of over 42 years, clutching a cat, as Minnie often had, and with a framed photo of her in his home. However, Harry realised that Concepta wasn't going to let the matter drop a second time, and made preparations to emigrate. In 2004, decades after her death, Norris Cole believes The Kabin is haunted by her ghost. On 1 April 1958, Ivan married eighteen-year-old Linda Tanner and the pair settled in Warrington. The couple honeymooned on the Isle of Man. Minnie was known to be very indecisive, which often led Ena to label her as slow-witted or "daft".
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