Cases with absent or minimal colloid were designated "typical colloid-poor" FN/SFN and cases with moderate to abundant colloid were designated "colloid-rich" FN/SFN. Some of them can produce thyroid hormones and consequently cause hyperthyroidism (functioning or 'hot' adenomas). It is a benign neoplasm, presenting as a single nodule, usually not greater than 3 cm in diameter. Follicular adenoma. They tend to occur in certain geographical areas with iodine-depleted soil, usually areas away from the sea coast. Should be sparse to moderately cellular with a good They may grow large, but they do not spread beyond the thyroid gland. Thyroid cysts: These are growths that are filled with fluid or partly solid and partly filled with fluid. D. Therefore, proper identification of colloid on cytologic material is very important. Colloid nodular goiters are also known as endemic goiters and are usually caused by inadequate iodine in diet. Home > BENIGN > Benign follicular nodule (colloid goiter, colloid nodule, adenomatoid nodule, etc.) These growths are benign (not cancer). An area is defined as endemic for goiter if more than 10 % of children aged 6 to 12 years have goiters. For each case, the amount of colloid was semiquantitatively evaluated as absent, minimal, moderate, and abundant on direct‐smear slides (usually Diff‐Quik stained slides). Thyroid Cytology Prepared by Kurt Schaberg Adequacy Criteria Benign Follicular Nodule Lymphocytic Thyroiditis Histologically represent nodular goiter, adenomatoid nodules, and colloid nodules. Figure 2: Air dry smear (400X, Diff Quik stain) is cellular and shows loosely cohesive groups of cells with pleomorphic nuclei some with elongated/ spindled morphology. No colloid or … To assess the utility of 18 cytologic morphometric parameters in the diagnosis of these thyroid lesions we evaluated 31 FNA samples that had histologic confirmation of the diagnoses. Cytomegalovirus, Cytological Findings. Bethesda Classification of Thyroid Nodule Fine Needle Aspirations ... benign. Diagnoses that fall into this category include benign follicular nodules (includes adenomatoid nodules, and colloid nodules), lymphocytic (Hashimoto) thyroiditis, and granulomatous (subacute) thyroiditis. FILE 28/39: Graves' disease: flame cells. Cytospin Technique. It is common for colloid to “wash off” with fixation. Whenever a … Figure 1: Ultrasound of left thyroid, showing a hypoechoic nodule. Flame cells, evident on the edges of sheets, have marginal red to pink cytoplasmic vacuoles. The main cytologic characteristic of a benign follicular nodule is presence of colloid and a mixture of bland follicular cells, commonly including Hürthle cells. Thyroid cytology cases with the diagnosis of FN/SFN were searched in our cytopathology files from September 2008 (inception of BSRTC implementation) to June 2012. More cytology material in Cytoweb Cytoweb instagram: @Cathweb Colloid nodules: These are one or more overgrowths of normal thyroid tissue. Variable amounts of: colloid, bland follicular cells, Hürthle cells, and macrophages. dant colloid is considered adequate (and benign), even if 6 groups of follicular cells are not identified: A sparsely cellular specimen with abundant colloid is, by implication, a predomi-nantly macrofollicular nodule and, therefore, almost certainly benign. The nodular goiters are histologically represented by two different types of nodules: the colloid nodules related with the accumulation of the colloid within the follicles and the hyperplastic (adenomatoid) ... Cytology of the Orbit and Ocular Adnexa. Methods: Thyroid cytology specimens with the features of FN/SFN were searched in cytopathology files from September 2008 to June 2012. The cytologic differential diagnosis of colloid nodule (CN) and the follicular variant of papillary carcinoma (FVPC) is difficult with common morphologic features.
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